IEM Application Listing
This website contains a large number of 'applications' which allow for dynamic query and product generation. This page displays a listing of these apps along with a brief description. The tags shown are used to organize the apps.
Title | Description | Tags |
IEM Homepage | The IEM homepage. | iem |
Daily Climatology | Daily average and extreme high and low temperatures along with precipitation. | coop,daily,climate |
NWS COOP Download | Download daily observations of temperature, precipitation, and snowfall from the NWS COOP Network. | coop |
NWS COOP Daily Obs | Display original reported daily NWS Cooperative Observer observations. | coop |
Site Metadata | Reporting site metadata (longitude + latitude, etc). | metadata |
Network Station Tables | Station location tables available for download in different formats. | metadata |
ASOS Sortable Currents | Current observations from the airport sensors around the world! | asos,currents |
ASOS Download | Download observations from the airport sensors around the world! | asos,download |
Current + Archived Webcams | View current and archived webcam still images. | webcam |
Iowa Ag Climate Network | Information on data collected from the ISUAG network located at ISU Research Farms. | ag |
IEM Ag Weather Info | IEM information relating to Agriculture. | ag |
AgClimate Daily Download | Download daily summaries of data from the Iowa AgClimate sites since 1986. | ag,download |
AgClimate Hourly Download | Download hourly observations from the Iowa AgClimate sites since 1986. | download,ag |
Growing Season Departures | View charts of daily departures of temperature and precipitation for a given growing season. | gs |
Climodat - Climate Reports | This application presents pre-generated textual tables of answers to the most common climate questions we get. | climate,reports,precip,temperature,summary |
NEXRAD 2 GIS | Convert recent level3 RADAR products into GIS formats. | nexrad |
Archived Local Storm Reports | Download shapefiles of historical NWS Local Storm Reports (LSR). | lsr,nws,shapefile |
Archived NWS Warnings | Download shapefiles or KML of historical NWS Watch, Warning, and Advisories. | nws,sbw,wwa,shapefile |
Archive Data Homepage | Homepage of IEM Archive resources. | archive |
Archive Data Schema | Schema of data saved in per-day folders available for direct download. | archive |
ASOS/METAR Homepage | IEM mainpage for the collection of METAR data from airports around the world. | asos,metar |
IEM News | News items about new IEM products, changes, etc. | iem |
IEM Daily Features by week | IEM Daily Features listed by week. | iem,feature |
ISU AMS Weather Station #2 | ISU AMS Weather Station #2 on the roof of Agronomy Building. | |
Other Stations Homepage | IEM collected data from misc sensors. | |
Daily NLAE Flux Plots | Daily timeseries plots from the NLAE Flux sites collected by the IEM. | flux |
NLAE Flux Sites | Download data from the NLAE Flux sites collected by the IEM. | flux,download |
Hourly Raw METAR Files | Raw METAR files by hour. These are the reported observations from airports in an encoded format called METAR. | metar,asos |
ASOS Monthly Precip | Montly precipitation estimates based on METAR obs for ASOS sites. | asos,precip |
NCEP Temperatures and Wind Aloft Forecast (FD) | An archive of the raw data found within the NWS text products that provide near term forecasts of temps and winds aloft for selected airports. | |
COOP Time Period Averages | Generate summaries of data over a given period. | |
COOP Growing Season Plotter | Growing season data plotter for NWS COOP data. | coop,gs |
Grib to GeoTIFF Service | This page provides links to generate GeoTIFFs from a number of grib archives the IEM maintains. | |
COOP Growing Season Departures | Plot timeseries of growing season departures based on NWS COOP data. | gs |
IEM OGC Web Services | Information about OGC web services provided by the IEM. | gis,ogc,webservices |
IEM Feature Tags | Listing of all tags used on IEM Daily Features | iem |
IEM New Sites RSS | RSS feed of newly added sites to IEM metadata tables | rss,metadata |
Iowa AWOS Monthly Precip | Precipitation totals from the Iowa AWOS network. | awos,precip |
IEM Apps Index | Index of IEM Applications. | iem |
IEM Obs by WFO | Listing of IEM collected observations by NWS Forecast Office. | currents,nws |
NWS COOP Currents | Listing of IEM collected NWS COOP observations by state or by NWS Forecast Office. | coop,currents |
COOP Snowcover Duration | /COOP/snowd_duration.phtml | snow,snowcover |
Historical Iowa Road Conditions | View historical winter road condition reports for Iowa. | |
DCP Data Download | Download archived DCP data processed by the IEM. | dcp,download |
COOP Raw Download | Download the raw daily observations from the NWS COOP network. | download,coop |
IEM Freeze | Application that maps out pavement temperatures, air temperatures, and RADAR. | |
Individual AFOS Text | View National Weather Service text products by AFOS PIL | afos,nws |
Daily NWS AFOS Text | View National Weather Service text products by issuing center and by date. | nws,afos |
COOP Daily Data Plotter | Create plots and download data for daily NWS COOP observations from sites in the midwest. | coop |
ISUAG Daily Data Plotter | Create plots and download data for daily data from the ISU AgClimate network. | |
ISUAG Growing Season Plotter | Create plots and download data for ISUAG data accumulated over a time period of your choice. | |
Map Daily Climatology | Create plots of daily climatology. | |
RADAR by year | View RADAR imagery for a region at a selected time of year for each year in the IEM archive. | nexrad |
Iowa Winter Roads Text | Textual listing of Iowa winter road conditions . | |
Past IEM Features | Archive of daily IEM features provided one at a time! | iem |
CoCoRaHS Sortables | Most recent reports from the Iowa CoCoRaHS network. | |
CoCoRaHS Reports | View daily CoCoRaHS Observations. | |
Drought Products | Products related to drought status. | |
NWS AFOS Finder | Search of National Weather Service text products by their AFOS PIL identifier. Requires some weather nerd skills. | |
IEM News Feed RSS | RSS feed of IEM news items. | iem |
IEM Information | General IEM information. | |
IEM Daily Feature RSS | RSS feed of IEM daily features. | |
RWIS Data Download | Download observations from the Iowa RWIS network. | download |
Iowa AWOS | Homepage for information on Iowa AWOS sites | |
Iowa AWOS 1 minute download | Download one minute interval observations from the Iowa AWOS sites | download |
IEM GIS RADAR Info | Information on GIS RADAR products provided by the IEM. | |
IEM NEXRAD GIS Data | Information on IEM provided single site NEXRAD imagery. | |
Iowa RADAR Comparisons | Compare NEXRAD imagery over Iowa | |
IEM Raccoon (SBW Powerpoints) | Generate Microsoft Powerpoint files of Storm Based Warnings | nws,sbw,warnings |
SPC Watch Overview | Overview of the ten most recent Storm Prediction Center issued convective watches. | |
River Flood Summary | Application lists out current NWS issued flood warnings and their status. | |
SPC Watch Overview/Archive | Page with some resources per archived SPC convective watch. | |
ASOS 1 minute download | Download 1 minute interval data from Iowa ASOS sites. | asos,download |
Archived MOS Data | IEM compiled archive of NWS Model Output Statistics (MOS). | mos |
DCP Current Conditions | Sortable most recent reports from the DCP/GOES networks. | dcp |
NWS Daily CLI Report Map | Map presenting data provided by the Daily CLI Reports issued by the NWS for first order locations and a few others. | |
List NWS SVR+TOR Warning Tags | A listing of tags used in NWS warnings by year | |
SchoolNet Data Download | Download one minute interval KCCI-TV, KELO-TV, and KIMT-TV school network weather data. | download |
Hourly ASOS/AWOS Precip Reports | Hourly precipitation HTML grids from the archive. A useful tool to quickly find precipitation totals. | |
Download Iowa RWIS Traffic Data | This download page provides traffic data collected by the Iowa RWIS sites. | download |
Download Iowa RWIS Soil Data | This download page provides soil information collected by the Iowa RWIS Sites. | download |
IEM GIS RASTER Metadata | Listing of RASTERs the IEM produces and some metadata on their usage | |
RWIS Sortable Currents | Most recent observations from a statewide RWIS network. | |
IEM Datasets | Description of the datasets generated and curated by the IEM. | |
VTEC Events by Office by Year | Listing of VTEC events for an office for a given year. | |
12 UTC 24 Precip Analysis | A map application that plots 24 precipitation totals valid near 12 UTC. | |
SCAN Daily Timeseries | Timeseries plot of SCAN data for a site/date of your choice. | |
4 Inch Soil Temperature Probabilities | Based on archived ISU AgClimate data, what are the frequencies of four inch depth temperatures in the fall and spring. | |
Climodat Accumulated Data Monitor | App provides accumulated totals of IEM Climodat data for locations of your choice. | |
Daily Summary Download | Download interface to IEM computed daily summaries of observation data. | |
COOP FP 15 minute precip | View COOP FP data. | |
Automated Data Plotter | User driven plotting application that has hundreds of plot types and many options. | |
My Sortable Currents | Select from any of the IEM available stations and add to a sortable currents page. | |
SchoolNet Currents | Sortable current conditions from the School Networks collected by the IEM. | |
Webcam Image Viewer | Display current webcam imagery along with RADAR and warnings. | |
RADAR + NWS Warnings | Legacy application with a bunch of features useful for SAD. | |
MADIS QC Table | A table of current quality control values from the NOAA MADIS project. | |
Webcam Mainpage | Homepage for the IEM weather webcam collection effort. | |
Unknown NWSLIs in SHEF | Page lists out unknown NWSLIs used within SHEF Products. | |
Active Trouble Tickets | Listing of active trouble tickets for sites that IEM works to quality control with its partners. | |
Sites Offline | Listing of observation sites that are currently flagged as being offline. | |
IEMBot Twitter Subscription | Page allowing for the usage of IEMBot to post on your behalf to your Twitter account. | |
Cool Webcam Lapses | Page highlighting the coolest webcam lapses generated by the IEM. | |
Recent Interesting METAR Reports | A report listing recent interesting things reported within the METARs. | |
Currents Mainpage | Catalog page for many of the products generated by the IEM | |
NWS Six Hour Snowfall Reports | Page lists out any available NWS 6 hour snowfall total reports. | |
IEM Cow (NWS Polygon Verification) | Unofficial verification of NWS polygon based warnings using Local Storm Reports (LSRs). | |
Obs during VTEC WWA | Prints out ASOS/AWOS observations during selected Watch/Warning/Advisories issued by a WFO. | nws,vtec |
NEXRAD Storm Attrs Download | Download shapefiles of historical NEXRAD Storm Attributes. | |
View SHEF Data | Prints out a listing of converted SHEF data by site and by day. In the case of COOP sites, it prints out the data for the entire year. | |
Download PIREP Reports | Download interface to request IEM archived Pilot reports (PIREPs). | |
Iowa Winter Road Conditions | IEM delivered winter road conditions. | |
COOP Report Counts by WFO | Application provides a summary listing of observation counts for COOP sites within a given WFO. | |
ISU Soil Moisture Time Series Plots | Generate automated plots of ISU Soil Moisture Network data. | |
Max VTEC EventID by Year | This application provides a table of maximum Valid Time Event Code (VTEC) event ids by year. This is a helper application for NWS users wishing to check a database of processed eventids. | |
Iowa State Univ Webcams | Provides a simple display of the most recent ISU Webcam images. | |
Custom IEM Webcam Lapses | Build your own lapses based on our archive of webcam imagery. | |
Download Climate Normals | Allows you to download the daily climate normals for all Iowa stations for one day or all days for one station. | |
DCP/COOP SHEF Variable Map | Map showing a SHEF physical code and duration. | |
NWS Tornado + Flash Flood Emergencies | Unofficial IEM accounting of NWS issued Tornado and Flash Flood Emergencies. | |
SPC Top 10 Largest/Smallest MCDs | Lists out the largest and smallest MCDs the IEM has in its database. | |
Listing of PDS Tornado/Flash Flood Warnings | Presents an IEM computed listing of Tornado and Flash Flood Warnings with the Particularly Dangerous Situation (PDS) text found. | |
IEM API Documentation | Mainpage that discusses the various APIs found on the IEM website. | |
List Sounding Parameters by Year | For each sounding for a given year, various IEM computed parameters are listed. Helpful to find what the maximum CAPE value was for a given sounding site and year. | |
Storm Prediction Center Outlook Shapefiles | Download in bulk SPC outlooks as processed by the IEM. | |
Special Weather Statement SPS Shapefiles | Download in bulk Special Weather Statement SPS polygons as processed by the IEM. | |
Storm Prediction Center Mesoscale Discussions Download | Download shapefiles of MCDs from SPC. | |
Storm Prediction Center Watches Download | Download shapefiles of watches from SPC. | |
Weather Prediction Center Mesocale Precipitation Discussion Download | Download shapefiles of MPDs from WPC. | |
CF6 Data Table | Lists out the IEM processing of CF6 (climate data). | |
CF6 Map App | Map of the IEM processing of CF6 (climate data). | |
Aviation Weather Center G-AIRMETs Download | Download IEM archived AWC G-AIRMETs | |
CWSU Center Weather Advisory (CWA) GIS Download | Download KML/Shapefiles of CWSU Center Weather Advisories (CWA) | |
Download AWC SIGMETs in Shapefile/KML Format | Download of IEM processed archive of Aviation Weather Center SIGMETs | |
Pest Maps + Forecasting | Maps of degree days for various pests of interest in Iowa. | |
SPC Particularly Dangerous Situation (PDS) Watches | IEM accounting of PDS Watches issued by the Storm Prediction Center. | |
List of SPC Watches by Year | List of SPC Watches by Year | |
IEM Explorer | Interactive map interface to visualize various current and archived IEM data services. | |
Terminal Aerodome Forecast (TAF) Download | Download from an IEM curated archive of TAFs. | |
SPS Search by Point | Find NWS Special Weather Statements by point. | |
List NWS UGCs by WFO | Listing of Universal Geographic Codes used by each WFO. | |
Weather Prediction Center WPC National High Low Temperature Listing | Lists out the WPC Daily Hi/Lo Temperature from the IEM archive of XTEUS product. | |
Days since NWS WWA | Plots a map of the number of days since a given WWA product by WFO | |
NWS WWA Counts by Year | Map of number of VTEC warning events by WFO by year. | |
RWIS Webcam Archive | Interactive viewer of archived Iowa RWIS webcam imagery | |
RAOB Archive | IEM processed archive of Rawinsonde data (RAOB). | |
GDD Scenarios/Probabilities | Histogram plot of GDD accumulation probabilities | |
Time Machine | Interactive application to quickly view archvied information provided by the IEM. | |
NWS SBW Stats | This application prints out a listing of per WFO storm based warning statistics for a time period of your choice. | |
Winter Road Conditions | IEM delivered winter road conditions. | |
VTEC Counts by Year | Prints a table of number of VTEC events by year. | |
SBW Daily Summaries | This application presents summary images of storm based warnings issued for a UTC date. | |
MOS Tables | Simple table of how a MOS forecast changed for a given site, variable, and model. | |
Search for Warnings | Search of NWS issued watch, warnings, and advisories by geographic point or by county, zone, or parish. | |
Hourly ASOS Precip Download | Download computed ASOS hourly precipitation values. | |
NWS CLI Report Tables | The NWS issues daily climate reports for LCD and non-LCD sites. This application summaries this data into a simple table. | |
SPC Convective Outlook Search | Search for previous SPC Convective Outlooks by Point. | |
COOP Freezing Dates | Listing of dates of COOP stations reaching critical fall temperatures. | |
NWS Cellular COOP Sortable Currents | Most recent obs from NWS Cellular COOP [CCOOP] Sites | |
Winter Hardiness Maps | Maps showing observed frequency of a given low temperature threshold over the winter season | |
Storm Prediction Center Top 10 Largest Outlooks | Using IEM curated archives, this app lists out the top 10 largest SPC outlooks. | |
WMO BUFR Surface Stations Download | Download processed WMO stations reporting in BUFR format. | |
Download NWS Polygons from Miscellaneous Products | This tool allows the download of polygons from products like Fire Warnings and Civil Emergencies | |
NWS AHPS HML Data Download | This service emits processed river stage observations and forecasts derived from NWS Hydrological Markup Language (HML) products. | |
US Climate Reference Network Download | Download what the IEM has processed from the USCRN |