IEM Application Listing

This website contains a large number of 'applications' which allow for dynamic query and product generation. This page displays a listing of these apps along with a brief description. The tags shown are used to organize the apps.

IEM HomepageThe IEM homepage.iem
Daily ClimatologyDaily average and extreme high and low temperatures along with,daily,climate
NWS COOP DownloadDownload daily observations of temperature, precipitation, and snowfall from the NWS COOP
NWS COOP Daily ObsDisplay original reported daily NWS Cooperative Observer
Site MetadataReporting site metadata (longitude + latitude, etc).metadata
Network Station TablesStation location tables available for download in different formats.metadata
ASOS Sortable CurrentsCurrent observations from the airport sensors around the world!asos,currents
ASOS DownloadDownload observations from the airport sensors around the world!asos,download
Current + Archived WebcamsView current and archived webcam still
Iowa Ag Climate NetworkInformation on data collected from the ISUAG network located at ISU Research
IEM Ag Weather InfoIEM information relating to
AgClimate Daily DownloadDownload daily summaries of data from the Iowa AgClimate sites since,download
AgClimate Hourly DownloadDownload hourly observations from the Iowa AgClimate sites since,ag
Growing Season DeparturesView charts of daily departures of temperature and precipitation for a given growing
Climodat - Climate ReportsThis application presents pre-generated textual tables of answers to the most common climate questions we get.climate,reports,precip,temperature,summary
NEXRAD 2 GISConvert recent level3 RADAR products into GIS formats.nexrad
Archived Local Storm ReportsDownload shapefiles of historical NWS Local Storm Reports (LSR).lsr,nws,shapefile
Archived NWS WarningsDownload shapefiles or KML of historical NWS Watch, Warning, and Advisories.nws,sbw,wwa,shapefile
Archive Data HomepageHomepage of IEM Archive resources.archive
Archive Data SchemaSchema of data saved in per-day folders available for direct download.archive
ASOS/METAR HomepageIEM mainpage for the collection of METAR data from airports around the world.asos,metar
IEM NewsNews items about new IEM products, changes, etc.iem
IEM Daily Features by weekIEM Daily Features listed by week.iem,feature
ISU AMS Weather Station #2ISU AMS Weather Station #2 on the roof of Agronomy Building.
Other Stations HomepageIEM collected data from misc sensors.
Daily NLAE Flux PlotsDaily timeseries plots from the NLAE Flux sites collected by the IEM.flux
NLAE Flux SitesDownload data from the NLAE Flux sites collected by the IEM.flux,download
Hourly Raw METAR FilesRaw METAR files by hour. These are the reported observations from airports in an encoded format called METAR.metar,asos
ASOS Monthly PrecipMontly precipitation estimates based on METAR obs for ASOS sites.asos,precip
NCEP Temperatures and Wind Aloft Forecast (FD)An archive of the raw data found within the NWS text products that provide near term forecasts of temps and winds aloft for selected airports.
COOP Time Period AveragesGenerate summaries of data over a given period.
COOP Growing Season PlotterGrowing season data plotter for NWS COOP,gs
Grib to GeoTIFF ServiceThis page provides links to generate GeoTIFFs from a number of grib archives the IEM maintains.
COOP Growing Season DeparturesPlot timeseries of growing season departures based on NWS COOP
IEM OGC Web ServicesInformation about OGC web services provided by the IEM.gis,ogc,webservices
IEM Feature TagsListing of all tags used on IEM Daily Featuresiem
IEM New Sites RSSRSS feed of newly added sites to IEM metadata tablesrss,metadata
Iowa AWOS Monthly PrecipPrecipitation totals from the Iowa AWOS network.awos,precip
IEM Apps IndexIndex of IEM Applications.iem
IEM Obs by WFOListing of IEM collected observations by NWS Forecast Office.currents,nws
NWS COOP CurrentsListing of IEM collected NWS COOP observations by state or by NWS Forecast,currents
COOP Snowcover Duration/COOP/snowd_duration.phtmlsnow,snowcover
Historical Iowa Road ConditionsView historical winter road condition reports for Iowa.
DCP Data DownloadDownload archived DCP data processed by the IEM.dcp,download
COOP Raw DownloadDownload the raw daily observations from the NWS COOP,coop
IEM FreezeApplication that maps out pavement temperatures, air temperatures, and RADAR.
Individual AFOS TextView National Weather Service text products by AFOS PILafos,nws
Daily NWS AFOS TextView National Weather Service text products by issuing center and by date.nws,afos
COOP Daily Data PlotterCreate plots and download data for daily NWS COOP observations from sites in the
ISUAG Daily Data PlotterCreate plots and download data for daily data from the ISU AgClimate network.
ISUAG Growing Season PlotterCreate plots and download data for ISUAG data accumulated over a time period of your choice.
Map Daily ClimatologyCreate plots of daily climatology.
RADAR by yearView RADAR imagery for a region at a selected time of year for each year in the IEM archive.nexrad
Iowa Winter Roads TextTextual listing of Iowa winter road conditions .
Past IEM FeaturesArchive of daily IEM features provided one at a time!iem
CoCoRaHS SortablesMost recent reports from the Iowa CoCoRaHS network.
CoCoRaHS ReportsView daily CoCoRaHS Observations.
Drought ProductsProducts related to drought status.
NWS AFOS FinderSearch of National Weather Service text products by their AFOS PIL identifier. Requires some weather nerd skills.
IEM News Feed RSSRSS feed of IEM news items.iem
IEM InformationGeneral IEM information.
IEM Daily Feature RSSRSS feed of IEM daily features.
RWIS Data DownloadDownload observations from the Iowa RWIS
Iowa AWOSHomepage for information on Iowa AWOS sites
Iowa AWOS 1 minute downloadDownload one minute interval observations from the Iowa AWOS sitesdownload
IEM GIS RADAR InfoInformation on GIS RADAR products provided by the IEM.
IEM NEXRAD GIS DataInformation on IEM provided single site NEXRAD imagery.
Iowa RADAR ComparisonsCompare NEXRAD imagery over Iowa
IEM Raccoon (SBW Powerpoints)Generate Microsoft Powerpoint files of Storm Based Warningsnws,sbw,warnings
SPC Watch OverviewOverview of the ten most recent Storm Prediction Center issued convective watches.
River Flood SummaryApplication lists out current NWS issued flood warnings and their status.
SPC Watch Overview/ArchivePage with some resources per archived SPC convective watch.
ASOS 1 minute downloadDownload 1 minute interval data from Iowa ASOS sites.asos,download
Archived MOS DataIEM compiled archive of NWS Model Output Statistics (MOS).mos
DCP Current ConditionsSortable most recent reports from the DCP/GOES networks.dcp
NWS Daily CLI Report MapMap presenting data provided by the Daily CLI Reports issued by the NWS for first order locations and a few others.
List NWS SVR+TOR Warning TagsA listing of tags used in NWS warnings by year
SchoolNet Data DownloadDownload one minute interval KCCI-TV, KELO-TV, and KIMT-TV school network weather
Hourly ASOS/AWOS Precip ReportsHourly precipitation HTML grids from the archive. A useful tool to quickly find precipitation totals.
Download Iowa RWIS Traffic DataThis download page provides traffic data collected by the Iowa RWIS
Download Iowa RWIS Soil DataThis download page provides soil information collected by the Iowa RWIS
IEM GIS RASTER MetadataListing of RASTERs the IEM produces and some metadata on their usage
RWIS Sortable CurrentsMost recent observations from a statewide RWIS network.
IEM DatasetsDescription of the datasets generated and curated by the IEM.
VTEC Events by Office by YearListing of VTEC events for an office for a given year.
12 UTC 24 Precip AnalysisA map application that plots 24 precipitation totals valid near 12 UTC.
SCAN Daily TimeseriesTimeseries plot of SCAN data for a site/date of your choice.
4 Inch Soil Temperature ProbabilitiesBased on archived ISU AgClimate data, what are the frequencies of four inch depth temperatures in the fall and spring.
Climodat Accumulated Data MonitorApp provides accumulated totals of IEM Climodat data for locations of your choice.
Daily Summary DownloadDownload interface to IEM computed daily summaries of observation data.
COOP FP 15 minute precipView COOP FP data.
Automated Data PlotterUser driven plotting application that has hundreds of plot types and many options.
My Sortable CurrentsSelect from any of the IEM available stations and add to a sortable currents page.
SchoolNet CurrentsSortable current conditions from the School Networks collected by the IEM.
Webcam Image ViewerDisplay current webcam imagery along with RADAR and warnings.
RADAR + NWS WarningsLegacy application with a bunch of features useful for SAD.
MADIS QC TableA table of current quality control values from the NOAA MADIS project.
Webcam MainpageHomepage for the IEM weather webcam collection effort.
Unknown NWSLIs in SHEFPage lists out unknown NWSLIs used within SHEF Products.
Active Trouble TicketsListing of active trouble tickets for sites that IEM works to quality control with its partners.
Sites OfflineListing of observation sites that are currently flagged as being offline.
IEMBot Twitter SubscriptionPage allowing for the usage of IEMBot to post on your behalf to your Twitter account.
Cool Webcam LapsesPage highlighting the coolest webcam lapses generated by the IEM.
Recent Interesting METAR ReportsA report listing recent interesting things reported within the METARs.
Currents MainpageCatalog page for many of the products generated by the IEM
NWS Six Hour Snowfall ReportsPage lists out any available NWS 6 hour snowfall total reports.
IEM Cow (NWS Polygon Verification)Unofficial verification of NWS polygon based warnings using Local Storm Reports (LSRs).
Obs during VTEC WWAPrints out ASOS/AWOS observations during selected Watch/Warning/Advisories issued by a WFO.nws,vtec
NEXRAD Storm Attrs DownloadDownload shapefiles of historical NEXRAD Storm Attributes.
View SHEF DataPrints out a listing of converted SHEF data by site and by day. In the case of COOP sites, it prints out the data for the entire year.
Download PIREP ReportsDownload interface to request IEM archived Pilot reports (PIREPs).
Iowa Winter Road ConditionsIEM delivered winter road conditions.
COOP Report Counts by WFOApplication provides a summary listing of observation counts for COOP sites within a given WFO.
ISU Soil Moisture Time Series PlotsGenerate automated plots of ISU Soil Moisture Network data.
Max VTEC EventID by YearThis application provides a table of maximum Valid Time Event Code (VTEC) event ids by year. This is a helper application for NWS users wishing to check a database of processed eventids.
Iowa State Univ WebcamsProvides a simple display of the most recent ISU Webcam images.
Custom IEM Webcam LapsesBuild your own lapses based on our archive of webcam imagery.
Download Climate NormalsAllows you to download the daily climate normals for all Iowa stations for one day or all days for one station.
DCP/COOP SHEF Variable MapMap showing a SHEF physical code and duration.
NWS Tornado + Flash Flood EmergenciesUnofficial IEM accounting of NWS issued Tornado and Flash Flood Emergencies.
SPC Top 10 Largest/Smallest MCDsLists out the largest and smallest MCDs the IEM has in its database.
Listing of PDS Tornado/Flash Flood WarningsPresents an IEM computed listing of Tornado and Flash Flood Warnings with the Particularly Dangerous Situation (PDS) text found.
IEM API DocumentationMainpage that discusses the various APIs found on the IEM website.
List Sounding Parameters by YearFor each sounding for a given year, various IEM computed parameters are listed. Helpful to find what the maximum CAPE value was for a given sounding site and year.
Storm Prediction Center Outlook ShapefilesDownload in bulk SPC outlooks as processed by the IEM.
Special Weather Statement SPS ShapefilesDownload in bulk Special Weather Statement SPS polygons as processed by the IEM.
Storm Prediction Center Mesoscale Discussions DownloadDownload shapefiles of MCDs from SPC.
Storm Prediction Center Watches DownloadDownload shapefiles of watches from SPC.
Weather Prediction Center Mesocale Precipitation Discussion DownloadDownload shapefiles of MPDs from WPC.
CF6 Data TableLists out the IEM processing of CF6 (climate data).
CF6 Map AppMap of the IEM processing of CF6 (climate data).
Aviation Weather Center G-AIRMETs DownloadDownload IEM archived AWC G-AIRMETs
CWSU Center Weather Advisory (CWA) GIS DownloadDownload KML/Shapefiles of CWSU Center Weather Advisories (CWA)
Download AWC SIGMETs in Shapefile/KML FormatDownload of IEM processed archive of Aviation Weather Center SIGMETs
Pest Maps + ForecastingMaps of degree days for various pests of interest in Iowa.
SPC Particularly Dangerous Situation (PDS) WatchesIEM accounting of PDS Watches issued by the Storm Prediction Center.
List of SPC Watches by YearList of SPC Watches by Year
IEM ExplorerInteractive map interface to visualize various current and archived IEM data services.
Terminal Aerodome Forecast (TAF) DownloadDownload from an IEM curated archive of TAFs.
SPS Search by PointFind NWS Special Weather Statements by point.
List NWS UGCs by WFOListing of Universal Geographic Codes used by each WFO.
Weather Prediction Center WPC National High Low Temperature ListingLists out the WPC Daily Hi/Lo Temperature from the IEM archive of XTEUS product.
Days since NWS WWAPlots a map of the number of days since a given WWA product by WFO
NWS WWA Counts by YearMap of number of VTEC warning events by WFO by year.
RWIS Webcam ArchiveInteractive viewer of archived Iowa RWIS webcam imagery
RAOB ArchiveIEM processed archive of Rawinsonde data (RAOB).
GDD Scenarios/ProbabilitiesHistogram plot of GDD accumulation probabilities
Time MachineInteractive application to quickly view archvied information provided by the IEM.
NWS SBW StatsThis application prints out a listing of per WFO storm based warning statistics for a time period of your choice.
Winter Road ConditionsIEM delivered winter road conditions.
VTEC Counts by YearPrints a table of number of VTEC events by year.
SBW Daily SummariesThis application presents summary images of storm based warnings issued for a UTC date.
MOS TablesSimple table of how a MOS forecast changed for a given site, variable, and model.
Search for WarningsSearch of NWS issued watch, warnings, and advisories by geographic point or by county, zone, or parish.
Hourly ASOS Precip DownloadDownload computed ASOS hourly precipitation values.
NWS CLI Report TablesThe NWS issues daily climate reports for LCD and non-LCD sites. This application summaries this data into a simple table.
SPC Convective Outlook SearchSearch for previous SPC Convective Outlooks by Point.
COOP Freezing DatesListing of dates of COOP stations reaching critical fall temperatures.
NWS Cellular COOP Sortable CurrentsMost recent obs from NWS Cellular COOP [CCOOP] Sites
Winter Hardiness MapsMaps showing observed frequency of a given low temperature threshold over the winter season
Storm Prediction Center Top 10 Largest OutlooksUsing IEM curated archives, this app lists out the top 10 largest SPC outlooks.
WMO BUFR Surface Stations DownloadDownload processed WMO stations reporting in BUFR format.
Download NWS Polygons from Miscellaneous ProductsThis tool allows the download of polygons from products like Fire Warnings and Civil Emergencies
NWS AHPS HML Data DownloadThis service emits processed river stage observations and forecasts derived from NWS Hydrological Markup Language (HML) products.
US Climate Reference Network DownloadDownload what the IEM has processed from the USCRN