This application allows you to search for National Weather Service Watch, Warning, and Advisories. There are currently three options:

1. Search for Storm Based Warnings by Point

The official warned area for some products the NWS issues is a polygon. This section allows you to specify a point on the map below by dragging the marker to where you are interested in. Once you stop dragging the marker, the grid will update and provide a listing of storm based warnings found.

Either enter coordinates manually:
Latitude (deg N):
Longitude (deg E):

Approximate Location Buffer Radius:

Or drag marker to select coordinate:

EventPhenomenaSignificanceIssued ExpiredIssue Hail TagIssue Wind Tag Issue Tornado TagIssue Damage Tag

2. Search for NWS Watch/Warning/Advisories Products by County/Zone or by Point

The NWS issues watch, warnings, and advisories (WWA) for counties/parishes. For some products (like winter warnings), they issue for forecast zones. In many parts of the country, these zones are exactly the same as the counties/parishes. When you get into regions with topography, then zones will start to differ to the local counties.

This application allows you to search the IEM's archive of NWS WWA products. Our archive is not complete, but there are no known holes since 12 November 2005. This archive is of those products that contain VTEC codes, which are nearly all WWAs that the NWS issues for. There are Severe Thunderstorm, Tornado, and Flash Flood Warnings included in this archive for dates prior to 2005. These were retroactively assigned VTEC event identifiers by the IEM based on some hopefully intelligent logic.

Please note: NWS forecast offices have changed over the years, this application may incorrectly label old warnings as coming from an office that did not exist at the time.
Also note: This particular search interface will return false-positives for some warnings that are now fully polygon/storm based. The IEM database tracks the UGC areas associated with the storm based warnings. So querying by UGC (even if you query by point), will return some warnings that were not actually active for that point, but were technically active for that UGC of which the point falls inside of. Please use the above search for these types of warnings!

These dates (at 00 UTC) define the issuance of the event, please do not be too tight with these dates.

2a. Manual Selection.

2b. Manual Point Selection.
You can otherwise search by lat/lon point. The start and end date set above are used with this option as well:
Latitude (deg N):
Longitude (deg E):

Approximate Location Buffer Radius:

2c. or drag marker to select coordinate:

EventPhenomenaSignificanceIssued Expired

3. List NWS Watch/Warning/Advisories by State/WFO by Year

This section generates a simple list of NWS Watch, Warning, and Advisories by state and year.


EventWFOLocationsIssued Expired