The IEM has a database archive of WPC Mesocale Precipitation Discussions since fall 2017. This page offers a shapefile download of these. Backend Documentation exists for those wishing to script against this service.

Related: NWS Misc Polygons   NWS VTEC Watch Warning Advisory   SPC Convective Discussions   SPC/WPC Outlooks   SPC Watch Polygons

Time Interval for MPD *Issuance* (UTC)
YearMonthDay HourMinute

Shapefile DBF schema:

Field 0: Type=C/String, Title=`ISSUE', UTC Issuance Timestamp YYYYmmddHHMM
Field 1: Type=C/String, Title=`EXPIRE', UTC MCD Expiration Timestamp
Field 2: Type=C/String, Title=`PROD_ID', IEM Product ID (see below)
Field 3: Type=N/Double, Title=`YEAR', YEAR of MCD
Field 4: Type=N/Double, Title=`NUM', SPC MCD Number
Field 6: Type=C/String, Title=`CONCERN', WPC MPD concerning heading

Archive / Usage Notes:

  1. The PROD_ID DBF field is a string the IEM uses to identify NWS Text products and can be used to call an IEM API to fetch the text of this product.{PROD_ID}
  2. The YEAR and NUM fields can be used to construct a stable URL into SPC's website like so:{year}/md{NUM:04i}.html