The IEM attempts to process a feed of Pilot Reports (PIREPs). This processing is done via the PyIEM Library. Sadly, there is not strict coherence to a format specification and so a number of reports are simply unparsable. This archive should not be considered 'complete'.

The PIREP parsing library that decodes the location information into a latitude and longitude is crude. It does not properly account for magnetic north and may also have errors with VOR baseline locations. This download interface provides the raw undecoded PIREP reports, so users that have more sophisticated location calculators are encouraged to process them for yourself.

Due to filesize and speed, you can only request up to 120 days of data at a time! If you request data with the spatial filter, you can download longer periods of data. Backend documentation exists for those wishing to script against this service.

Related: CWSU Center Weather Advisories Graphical AIRMETs SIGMETs TAFs Temp/Winds Aloft

Select time interval

(Times are in UTC.)
Time Interval Format Spatial Filter (Optional) ARTCC Filter (Optional)
YearMonthDay HourMinute

Shapefile DBF schema:

Field 0: Type=C/String, Title='VALID', Timestamp in UTC
Field 1: Type=C/String, Title='URGENT', Was this an urgent PIREP
Field 2: Type=C/String, Title='AIRCRAFT', Reported Aircraft type
Field 3: Type=C/String, Title='REPORT', The PIREP Report
Field 4: Type=C/String, Title='ICING', The icing /IC portion of the PIREP
Field 5: Type=C/String, Title='TURB', The turbulence /TB portion of the PIREP
Field 6: Type=C/String, Title='ARTCC', The ARTCC identifier, when applicable.
Field 7: Type=N/Double, Title='LAT', Latitude
Field 8: Type=N/Double, Title='LON', Longitude 
Field 9: Type=C/String, Title='PROD_ID', The IEM NWS text product identifier.

Archive notes:

Publications Citing IEM Data (View All)

These are the most recent 10 publications that have cited the usage of data from this page. This list is not exhaustive, so please let us know if you have a publication that should be added.