The IEM attempts a high fidelity processing and archival of Terminal Aerodome Forecasts (TAF)s. This page allows an atomic data download of the processed data. If you are wishing to download the raw NWS text TAF data, try looking here as a starting point.

Backend documentation exists for those wishing to script against this service. The TAF archive dates back to 1 January 1996.

Related: CWSU Center Weather Advisories Graphical AIRMETs PIREPs SIGMETs Temp/Winds Aloft

1. Select Station:

2. Timezone of Observations:

The timestamps used in the downloaded files will be set in the timezone you specify.

3. Select Start/End Time:

This defines the time domain to look for TAFs issued within.

4. Data Format:

5. Filter to last TAF per station:

Submit Form:

Data Columns

station4 character station identifier
validTAF issuance timestamp
fx_validForecast Timestamp
rawRaw TAF string for this forecast time
is_tempoIs Tempo set?
fx_end_validForecast timestamp end time (when set).
skntWind Speed (kts)
drctWind Direction (deg)
gustWind Gust (kts)
visibilityHorizontal Visibility (miles). Note Greater than 6 miles is encoded as 6.01
skycSky Coverages
skylSky Coverage Levels (feet)
ws_drctWind Shift Direction (deg)
ws_skntWind Shift Wind Speed (kts)
product_idIEM NWS Text Product Identifier