IEM Daily Feature
Tuesday, 24 October 2023

90th Percentile for 80+

Posted: 24 Oct 2023 05:30 AM

After some morning rain showers, temperatures soared into the 70s and even some lower 80s over much of Iowa. The Ames Airport reported a high temperature of 80 degrees and today's featured chart looks into how exceptional that was. For four temperature thresholds and for Ames, the chart presents the accumulated frequency that a given fall/winter season date has seen the last daily high temperature at or above the given threshold. So for the 80 degree threshold, October 23rd is conveniently shown as being at the 90th percentile. Rephrasing, about 9 out of 10 years have seen their last 80+ degree temperature by 23 October. We'll have another very warm day on Tuesday before a downward slide to something more resembling winter arrives next week.

Good = 13
Bad = 0