This page generates maps showing yearly frequency of having at least one day with a low temperature below a given threshold. These types of maps drive hardiness recommendations. The frequencies are based on period of record data, which generally is 50-70 years or more for the sites used within the map. The IEM plotting backend is autoplot 252.
Skip down to threshold: 32°F, 25°F, 15°F, 10°F, 0°F, -10°F, -15°F, -20°F, -30°F, -40°F
Low Temperature below 32°F
Buckwheat, Cowpea, Millets, Mungbean, Sorghum Forage, Sorghum-Sundangrass, Sundangrass, Sunn Hemp, Teff

Low Temperature below 25°F
Barley Spring, Flax, Oats, Sunflower, Wheat Spring

Low Temperature below 15°F

Low Temperature below 10°F
Clover Crimson, Turnip, Vetch Common

Low Temperature below 0°F
Barley Winter, Rapeseed, Ryegrass Annual

Low Temperature below -10°F
Pea Winter/Field

Low Temperature below -15°F
Vetch Hairy, Wheat Winter

Low Temperature below -20°F
Camelina Winter, Triticale Winter

Low Temperature below -30°F
Cereal Rye, Clover Red

Low Temperature below -40°F
Clover White