Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

Neighboring Stations

The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly a 0.25 degree radius circle from the station location. Click on the site name for more information.

Distance [km]NetworkStation Name Archive StartArchive End
1.612OR_RWISI205 NB at Willamette Viewpoint OR US ODOT2024-10-17
2.228ORCLIMATEWEST LINN1938-11-011968-12-31
2.313OR_DCPWillamette River AT Oregon City above Willamette Falls2012-03-28
3.701OR_DCPWillamette River AT Oregon City below Willamette Falls2010-12-20
3.954NCDC81OREGON CITY1981-01-012010-12-31
3.954NCEI91OREGON CITY1991-01-012020-12-31
3.954OR_COOPOregon City2004-07-16
4.755OR_DCPTualatin River 1 WNW West Linn2010-12-07
8.771OR_DCPClackamas River 1 N Oregon City2011-05-202018-08-15
9.445OR_DCPWillamette R 2 N Canby2011-01-10
9.993ORCLIMATECANBY 2 NE1966-07-011979-01-31
14.190OR_DCPMilwaukee 1SE - Kellogg Creek2017-09-14
14.204OR_DCPRedland - Abernerthy Creek2013-03-192018-12-03
14.709OR_DCPTRYON CR 1 N Lake Oswego2010-12-07
15.060OR_DCPAbernethy Creek 2 S Mompano Reservoir near Redland2014-02-13
15.951OR_DCPTualatin R AT Tualatin2010-12-07
16.042OR_DCPAURORA AGRIMET STATION2010-12-072013-07-17
16.187NCDC81N WILLAMETTE EXP STN1981-01-012010-12-31
16.187NCEI91N WILLAMETTE EXP STN1991-01-012020-12-31
16.187ORCLIMATEN WILLAMETTE EXP STN1963-01-012007-08-31
16.432OR_DCPFanno Cr 1 N Durham Rd at Tualatin2010-12-07
16.887OR_DCPMolalla River 1 S Canby2010-11-28
17.310OR_RWISI5 NB at OR217 OnRamp MP292.06 2024-10-17
17.560ORCLIMATEMIRA MONTE FARM1893-01-011924-01-31
17.587OR_DCPJohnson Cr AT Milwaukie2010-12-07
19.745OR_RWISJohnson Creek Blvd at Hunter Blu OR US ODOT2024-10-17
20.990OR_ASOSAURORA STATE1980-10-15
21.034NCDC81AURORA STATE AP1981-01-012010-12-31
21.034NCEI91AURORA STATE AP1991-01-012020-12-31
21.597OR_DCPPudding River AT Aurora2010-12-07
23.537OR_DCPSherwood - Chicken Creek2024-05-29
25.618OR_DCPFanno Cr AT 56th Ave in Portland2011-05-20
25.775OR_DCPJohnson Creek AT Sycamore2010-12-07
26.262OR_DCPPortland 8ESE - Kelley Creek2016-11-29
26.555OR_RWISI205 NB at Division St Ramp MP19 OR US ODOT2024-10-17
27.298NCDC81BEAVERTON 2 SSW1981-01-012010-12-31
27.298ORCLIMATEBEAVERTON 2 SSW1972-10-012007-03-31
27.346OR_RWISOR217 NB at Allen Blvd MP2.51 2024-10-17
27.743OR_RWISUS26 EB at Zoo Bridge MP72.3 2024-10-17
28.197OR_DCPWillamette River AT Portland2010-12-06
28.550NCEI91PORTLAND KGW-TV1991-01-012020-12-31
28.550NCDC81PORTLAND KGW-TV1981-01-012010-12-31
28.550ORCLIMATEPortland Downtown Area1872-01-01
28.662OR_RWISUS26 at Sylvan MP71.32 2024-10-17
28.799OR_COOPGresham 2 Sw2011-08-112019-09-30
28.807ORCLIMATEGRESHAM 2 SW2011-02-012019-09-30
29.599NCEI91MOLALLA 7NE1991-01-012020-12-31
29.604OR_COOPMOLALLA 7 NE2006-06-01
29.604ORCLIMATEMOLALLA 7NE2006-06-01
29.643NCDC81MOLALLA 7NE1981-01-012010-12-31
30.519ORCLIMATEPORTLAND RFC CITY1871-11-011973-06-30
30.929OR_RWISI84 EB at I205 MP5.62 2024-10-17
30.957OR_RWISUS26 EB at OR217 SB OnRamp MP69. OR US ODOT2024-10-17
31.020OR_RWISUS26 WB at OR217 SB OnRamp MP69. OR US ODOT2024-10-17
31.364OR_RWISI405 SB at Fremont Bridge (West OR US ODOT2024-10-17
34.028OR_DCPMolalla 2 Ese2011-12-21
36.248OR_COOPWFO PORTLAND2004-07-16
36.263NCEI91PORTLAND WFO1991-01-012020-12-31
36.270NCDC81PORTLAND WFO1981-01-012010-12-31
36.346OR_DCPPortland - WFO Rooftop2013-05-14
36.827RFCNorthwest RFC
38.278OR_RWISI205 SB at Glenn Jackson Bridge OR US ODOT2024-10-17