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1156 Views 15 April NWS Website Outage [resolved]


At about 9 AM this morning, the NWS had a cooling issue within one of their data centers. Unfortunately, services have not been fully restored as of this writing. Various data flows that the IEM processes are down at the moment without any known secondary option to retrieve. Will keep trying to work around the issues and repair data holes as they appear.

Updated 9 AM: This outage continues and there continues to be not much I can do about it.

Updated 5:30 AM 17 April: The NWS has issued an update and many things remain busted. No ETRs...

Updated 8:30 AM 18 April: The latest NWS update, outage continues, no ETR.

Updated 8 AM 23 April: The outage of some NWS services continues. The latest update from the NWS is here.

Updated 10 PM 23 April: NWS denotes that this outage is now resolved.