The IEM website has been around for a long time, since 2001 even. Over the years, a number of web services have been generated that presented various datasets in various formats. These ad-hoc services were nice, but not exactly what most users want when they request if the IEM has an API.
I've now settled on a python framework called FastAPI to build a suite of robust suite of IEM APIs. As a first step, I have migrated a set of previous APIs to this new framework without hopefully any end-user impact. You can find these APIs documented here.
The plan moving forward is to migrate all of my ad-hoc services to this new framework and maintain automatic redirects for any users of the old ad-hoc services. It is also now rather trivial for me to add new services, so we shall see how this all works out!
You can find my source code for these web-services within my IEM Web Services Github Repo.