Past IEM Features tagged: soybean

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Soybean Progress

23 May 2023 05:30 AM
While we certainly could use some rain, the recent dry weather has allowed significant planting progress to be made as shown by the weekly USDA NASS update released yesterday. The featured chart presents the weekly soybean crop planting progress for six states. All of the years with data are plotted and this year along with last year are highlighted for comparison. All of the states shown are ahead of last year and above 50% completed.

Good: 12
Bad: 1

Tags:   nass   soybean   planting  

Another Late Soybean Harvest

24 Oct 2019 05:34 AM
A late maturing crop and persistently wet weather has put the harvest of the soybean crop behind schedule. The most recent update from the USDA had just under half of the Iowa Soybean crop harvested. The featured chart presents the yearly progression of soybean harvest for Iowa with the white 'X' denoting where this year's most recent value of 48% resides for that given previous year. Excluding the brutal fall season of 2009, the past two years and this one have all had slower harvests than anything since 1986!

Good: 10
Bad: 0

Tags:   nass   soybean  

Soybean Harvest Progress

20 Oct 2016 05:33 AM
Getting Iowa's soybean crop harvested this fall has been a bit of a challenge. A very wet fall in places, high humidity levels and lack of killing frost have left some soybean fields unharvested to date. The featured chart displays yearly soybean harvest progress as reported by USDA NASS. The 'X' in each year's progress bar indicates the 62% level that would be comparable to this year's report valid on Monday. Mostly dry and less humid conditions have settled into the state, which will help soybean progress continue.

Good: 13
Bad: 0

Tags:   soybean  

Missouri Soybean Planting

03 Jul 2015 06:22 AM
The featured map displays USDA estimated soybean planting progress with the departure from long term average shown. Missouri is shown to be well behind average while the rest of the Midwest (save Kansas) is practically done. Wet conditions over the state are to blame and this was even the case into southern Iowa as soybean planting was late there this year as well.

Good: 31
Bad: 19
Abstain: 10

Tags:   soybean  

Soybean planting progress

14 Jun 2013 04:42 AM
Farmers struggled to get the corn planted this growing season due to cold temperatures and wet conditions. Since most plant corn before planting soybean, it is obvious that the planting progress for soybean is well behind average for most states. The featured map displays the USDA reported soybean planting progress as of 9 June compared with the average value for the second week of June. Iowa and Wisconsin are the furthest behind average. These values do not tell the entire story as it is hard to account for all of the acres that were drowned out and will need to be replanted. Also there will be some fields abandoned for the year. Unfortunately, more rain will fall today and this weekend.

Good: 164
Bad: 20

Tags:   soybean