Past IEM Features tagged: jul16
July Precip Ranks
01 Aug 2016 05:38 AMThe featured map displays IEM estimated climate district ranks for precipitation totals for this July. Much of the corn belt saw much needed rainfall with some locations experiencing a top 10 wettest July. The map does show a dry area over northern Ohio and northeastern Indiana. Heavy rainfall is currently falling this morning over western Iowa thanks to a large storm complex.
Good: 9
Bad: 0
Tags: jul16
Top July Rainfalls
20 Jul 2016 05:39 AMComplaints that central Iowa was missing out on rainfall events earlier this year have been resolved in full this week with multiple rounds of heavy rainfall impacting the area. The Des Moines Airport reported over 3.5 inches of rain on Tuesday making for one of the largest daily totals on record for July as shown by the featured chart. Ironically, yesterday's total was not even a daily record as the 19 July total for 1904 appears second on the listing for July.
Good: 9
Bad: 0
Tags: jul16
July Precip
12 Jul 2016 05:08 AMAnother overnight storm complex brought rainfall to the state this morning. The featured map displays precipitation estimates up till 12 AM this morning for July and shows that many parts of the state are analyzed in the 2+ inch range. Previous IEM features highlighted a very dry area just to the northwest of Ames and this area has done well so far this month. Most of these totals shown simply amount to average accumulation for the period, so it will take more rain to make up the deficits accumulated earlier this summer of much of the state.
Good: 12
Bad: 0
Abstain: 1
Tags: jul16