Past IEM Features tagged: dec07

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Count of daily COOP observations for this winter

Too many to count

18 Feb 2008 07:13 AM
The feature title is the answer to the question of how many snow storms we have seen this winter. The featured chart is a calendar of daily Iowa COOP snowfall observations greater than 2 inches. The observations are for a 24 hour period and not the local calendar day, so there is some ambiguity to the chart. Nonetheless, you can see we have had a storm just about every week with 2 storms per week lately. More storms are on the way this week.

Good: 30
Bad: 7

Tags:   jan08   dec07  

Snow keeping us cool

31 Dec 2007 07:32 AM
The featured chart is of daily high temperature departures from normal for Ames this month showing most of December below normal save a brief stretch a few weeks ago. The abundant snow cover for the entire month certainly helped to keep temperatures down. A very cold start is forecasted for 2008, but some warming is expected by the end of this week if we can avoid daytime fog each day.

Good: 9
Bad: 4

Tags:   dec07