Past IEM Features tagged: aug09

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Cool August

01 Sep 2009 06:00 AM
The featured chart shows that there were not many warm days for Cedar Rapids during August, much like July. With only one day above the 50th percentile for high and just one day over the 25th for the last 2 weeks makes one to forget what the term "dog days of summer" means. Some warming is expected to start September, but highs are just in the lower 70s.

Good: 21
Bad: 6

Tags:   aug09  

Failing grade for temperatures

24 Aug 2009 06:09 AM
With fall semester school starting most everywhere by today, one would have to give our recent stretch of weather a failing grade for underperforming mean values. The featured chart is from Mason City and shows that highs have been below average for the past 9 days. Monday does look warmer with highs back in the 80s!

Good: 18
Bad: 5

Tags:   aug09