IEM Daily Feature
Friday, 31 May 2024

Accumulated SDDs

Posted: 31 May 2024 05:30 AM

Much of May has featured very comfortable temperatures with our recent stretch of daily highs in the 70s finishing off the month. June is certainly when summer heat and humidity starts to settle in and today's featured chart looks into a measure of heat being Stress Degree Days (SDD)s. Much like Growing Degree Days, SDDs accumulate daily heat units above some threshold, which is typically chosen as 86°F. For corn, values above this threshold tend to cause plant stress and are considered detrimental to yield. The featured chart presents yearly accumulated SDDs for Ames with a simple average shown in red. This parameter does not accumulate much prior to the last week of May and begins a sharp increase into June and through July and August before slowing by the second week of September. The forecast for next week has warmer temperatures and perhaps a few days approaching high temperatures of 86°F.

Good = 14
Bad = 0

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