Minute/Hourly Data:
the present data collection interval from this network is every 15 minutes for the vineyard sites and every minute for the others. the minute interval data only started in 2021 though. The default download is to provide the hourly data.
Backend documentation exists for those wishing to script against this data service.
Select the time interval:
Year: | Month: | Day: | |
Starting On: | |||
Ending On: |
Select from available variablesReference Evapotranspiration (alfalfa)
The Ames-AEA, Ames-Kitchen, Ames-Hinds, and Jefferson locations have the
CS SoilVue 10 installed,
but the depth of installation varies by site with the first depth at
the Ames-AEA location being at 14 inches.
or select from the following depths:
Vineyard Station-only Variables
Include Quality Control Flags?
Flag | Meaning |
E | Value estimated by IEM. |
How should the data be formatted?:
How should missing values be represented?:
Timezone for Data:
Submit your request:
Description of variables in download
- station
- National Weather Service Location Identifier for the site. this is a five character identifier.
- valid
- Timestamp of the observation either in CST or CDT
- tmpf
- Air Temperature [F]
- relh
- Relative Humidity [%]
- solar
- Solar Radiation [Joule/m2]
- precip
- One Hour Precipitation [inch]
- speed
- Wind Speed [mph], 10 minute average, 10 ft above ground
- drct
- Wind Direction [degrees North], 10 minute average, 10 ft above ground
- et
- Potential Evapotranspiration (Alfalfa) [inch]
- soil04t
- 4 inch Depth Soil Temperature [F]
- soil12t
- 12 inch Depth Soil Temperature [F]
- soil24t
- 24 inch Depth Soil Temperature [F]
- soil50t
- 50 inch Depth Soil Temperature [F]
- soil12vwc
- 12 inch Depth Soil Volumetric Water Content [%]
- soil24vwc
- 24 inch Depth Soil Volumetric Water Content [%]
- soil50vwc
- 50 inch Depth Soil Volumetric Water Content [%]
Publications Citing IEM Data (View All)
These are the most recent 10 publications that have cited the usage of data from this page. This list is not exhaustive, so please let us know if you have a publication that should be added.
- Sheriff, J., M. Tekeste. 2025, Tire-Artificial Soil Contact Properties and Effect on Crop Yield from Self-Propelled Sprayer Tires. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. (in press). https://doi.org/10.13031/aea.16050
- Dutter, C., M. McDaniel, et al. 2025, Cover crops have positive and negative effects on soil properties and crop yield over a 15-year timespan. Agricultural Soil and Food Systems. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 2025;89:e70032 https://doi.org/10.1002/saj2.70032
- Seraglio, N., M. Pessotto, et al. 2025, Soybean overcome differences in row spacing and seeding rate to maintain stable yield. Crop Management. 2025;11:e70033. https://doi.org/10.1002/cft2.70033
- Nichols, V.A., W. Osterholz, et al, 2024. The roots of the rotation effect run deep, Agronomy Journal. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2024.109640
- Jones, S., T. Ayanlade, et al. 2024, Multi-sensor and multi-temporal high-throughput phenotyping for monitoring and early detection of water-limiting stress in soybean. The Plant Phenome Journal. https://doi.org/10.1002/ppj2.70009
- Meadows, A.L., Ramawater Yadav. 2024. Using a seed impact mill to limit waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) seed inputs in Iowa soybean. Weed Science https://doi.org/10.1017/wsc.2024.61
- Batzer, J., A. Shirazi, et al. 2024, Impacted by Fungicide Treatment, Harvest Timing, and Storage Environment. APS Online. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTOFR-06-24-0076-R
- Liebman, M., M. Helmers, 2024. Multiyear productivity and nitrate-nitrogen loss from corn and prairie bioenergy cropping systems. Agronomy Journal. https://doi.org/10.1002/agj2.21713
- Loper, H., C. Tenesaca, et al. 2024, Insights on agricultural nitrate leaching from soil block mesocosms. Journal of Environmental Quality. Volume 53, Issue 4. https://doi.org/10.1002/jeq2.20586
- Batzer, J., A. Shirazi, et al. 2023, Diversity and Phenology of Soybean Seed Fungal Endophyte Communities in the Upper Midwest United States. APS Online Publications. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTOFR-04-23-0048-R