National Weather Service Cooperative Observer Program (COOP)

The COOP network is generally comprised of volunteer observers reporting once-daily high and low air temperature, liquid precipitation, snow fall and snow depth. Here are some popular IEM COOP apps.

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IEM Value-Added Climodat Dataset

The IEM takes these preliminary COOP reports, does some limited quality control, and attempts to estimate any missing data to provide a coherent dataset called "Climodat". Here are some popular IEM Climodat apps.

Climodat Reports Download Quality Controlled Locate Sites Growing Season Plotter

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Data Plots

Data + Summaries

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Data Applications:

Winter Min Low Temp Frequencies
Histogram showing the number of years that a certain low temperature threshold is exceeded.
Daily Temperature Spread
Histogram showing daily high/low temperatures.
Yearly Average Temperatures
For a date interval of your choice, get the yearly statewide average temperatures.
Observations by Month
View observations per station and per month basis.
Fall Freezing Dates
Statistics of dates for significant first fall freezes.
Snow Depth Duration
For a given date, how long will the snow stick around?
Daily Climate in Tables
Tables of daily temperature and precipitation climatology.
Daily Climate in Maps
Plots of daily extremes and averages with a GIS Ready! download of the data presented.
Daily Average Temperatures
Dynamically produced chart of average daily temperatures.
Yearly Average Temperatures
Plot average daily temperatures for a year of your choice.
Accumulated Precipitation Probabilities
Chart of precip probabilities for a time period of your choice.
Yearly Departures from Average
Plot average temperatures versus what actually occured during one year.
Accumulated Departures from Average
Plot an accumulated departure from average for rainfall and growing degree days for a time period of your choice!
Map Daily Observations
Generate maps of daily observations.