IEM "Climodat" Reports

These "Climodat" reports provide some answers to the most common climatological questions we get routinely asked. Here are some important notes about the products presented on this page.

  1. These reports are based on the daily climate observations from the NWS COOP network. Some quality control is done and estimating is done to create a complete time series without missing data. You can download the daily data.
  2. There is a station monitor app that allows you to see current summarized statistics for a station collection of your choice.
  3. The Automated Data Plotting application on this website contains charts and downloadable datasets that may interest you.

Data is available from the following states:

Select Climate Station:Select Report:

or Select from map

Available stations are presented on the map below. Green dots indicate sites that have data up until today. Yellow dots have data, but not for a period ending today. Clicking on one of the dots will change the station select form above.

"Kitchen Sink" Datafiles

While the climodat reports are useful, they only provide information for one variable and one site at a time. These "kitchen sink" datafiles contain the raw information broken down by year and month for variables like high/low temperature and precipitation.

You can browse a directory to pick the individual files you want.

These text files are in a simple comma delimited format. Two of the data columns contain the latitude and longitude information which allows easy import into most GIS systems.

Details: yearly file
There is one yearly file (named yearly.csv) which contains yearly summaries dating back to 1951. Please consult the help file (named yearly_ks.txt) for further details.

Details: monthly files
For every year dating back to 1951, there is one file per year which contains monthly summaries of high/low temperature and precipitation. You can browse this directory to pick the files you want. Please consult the help file (named monthly_ks.txt) for further details.

Did these reports help? Please let us know if you would like to see other variables in these files or have any other comments about them. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: While we use care to provide accurate weather/climatic information, errors may occur because of equipment or other failure. We therefore provide this information without any warranty of accuracy. Users of this weather/climate data do so at their own risk, and are advised to use independent judgement as to whether to verify the data presented.

Publications Citing IEM Data (View All)

These are the most recent 10 publications that have cited the usage of data from this page. This list is not exhaustive, so please let us know if you have a publication that should be added.