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ASUS63 KMQT 280030

Regional Temperature And Precipitation Summary
National Weather Service Marquette MI
730 PM EST Mon Jan 27 2025

NOTE...We will be discontinuing this product. The last issuance
of this product will be on Jan 30, 2025. If you have any questions
or concerns please contact
:The following tables are from ASOS/AWOS stations and
:represent the highs and lows over the past 18 hours
:and precipitation over the last 24 hours 
:Values ending at 6 PM Central Standard Time.
:   Station                   Max  Min   24Hr
: ID     Name                 Temp Temp  Precip
IWD   : Ironwood            :  30 / 23 /  M
IMT   : Iron Mountain       :  34 / 24 /  M
MNM   : Menominee           :  37 / 25 /  M
:Values ending at 7 PM Eastern Standard Time.
:   Station                   Max  Min   24Hr
: ID     Name                 Temp Temp  Precip
CMX   : Houghton Arpt       :  33 / 24 /  M
P59   : Copper Harbor       :  35 / 22 / 0.00
MQT   : NWS Marquette       :  33 / 21 / 0.09
P53   : Munising            :  29 / 23 / 0.00
SAW   : Marquette Sawyer    :  36 / 23 /  M
ESC   : Escanaba            :  38 / 25 /  M
ISQ   : Manistique          :  35 / 26 /  M
ERY   : Newberry            :  32 / 24 /  M
:Cooperative observer temperature and precipitation reports.
:Temperature reports are 12 hour values ending around 7 PM
:Eastern Time.
:   Station                       Max  12Hr  12Hr  Snow
: ID     Name               Time  Temp Pcpn  Snow  Depth
:Marquette County
MQT   : NWS Marquette   : DH1900/  33/  0.09/  1.8/    8
:The data above are preliminary and have not undergone final
:quality control by the Center for Weather and Climate, part of
:the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). 
:Therefore, these data are subject to revision. Final and
:certified climatic data can be accessed at
:Data for the following stations are compiled by an automated
:computer program. The data is only partially quality controlled.
:Values represent the high temperature over the last 12
:hours, the low temperature over the last 18 hours and
:the minimum relative humidity over the past 12 hours.
:Precipitation is for 24 hours ending at 7 PM local time.
                 Max   Min    Min
Station Name     Temp  Temp   RH
Wakefield         30    23    53
Watersmeet        32    22    50
Pelkie            34    26    53
Kenton            32    21    52
Baraga Plains     32    24    49
Ojibway           30    15    32
Randville         37    23    44
Yellow Dog        32    22    45
Gwinn             37    24    44
La Branche        36    24    42
Wausaukee         37    25    46
Doe Lake          37    21    44
Stonington        37    25    43
High Bridge       35    23    44
Stanley           34    18    50
Seney             34    22    48
Spincich Lake     33    18    54
Trout Lake        30    22    62
Rexton            31    23    60
Raco              30    21    62
Rudyard           30    22    63
:The following locations are marine observation platforms.
:Values are the high temperatures from today and
:the overnight low.
:                     High  Low 
:Station Name         Temp  Temp
Gay 4SW               35    25
Big Bay               36    27
Grand Marais          34    23