Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

08 January 2025 Observation History, [0-578-0-133] LAKSFORS, timezone: Europe/Oslo

Select Date: Time Order:

Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:00 AMWSW 218 1018720
1:00 AMNNE 519 911650
2:00 AMNE 319 914650
3:00 AMWSW 317 1017750
4:00 AMSSW 217 1017730
5:00 AMESE 819 79600
6:00 AMSE 719 810630
7:00 AMESE 1718 73610
8:00 AMSSE 1318 74640
9:00 AMSSE 1117 65610
10:00 AMSE 1517 62610
11:00 AMESE 917 55600
12:00 PMSE 1517 63600
1:00 PMSSE 1117 64610
2:00 PMNE 317 712630
3:00 PMESE 917 66620
4:00 PMSSE 817 86670
5:00 PMSSW 817 107730
6:00 PMS 818 108700
7:00 PMS 818 118750
8:00 PMS 516 119780
9:00 PMS 514 96800
10:00 PMS 715 95760
11:00 PMSSE 812 81820

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