Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

23 January 2025 Observation History, [0-152-0-663] Retiro, timezone: America/Santiago

Select Date: Time Order:

Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:00 AMSSW 1355 5055840
12:00 AMSSW 1355 5055840
1:00 AMSSW 1353 5053900
1:00 AMSSW 1353 5053900
2:00 AMSSW 1051 4951940
2:00 AMSSW 1051 4951940
3:00 AMS 648 4745960
3:00 AMS 648 4745960
4:00 AMSW 948 4744970
4:00 AMSW 948 4744970
5:00 AMSW 446 4544970
5:00 AMSW 446 4544970
6:00 AMSSE 843 4338980
6:00 AMSSE 843 4338980
7:00 AMWSW 043 4243980
7:00 AMWSW 043 4243980
8:00 AMCalm48 4848990
8:00 AMCalm48 4848990
9:00 AMSSW 660 5360770
9:00 AMSSW 660 5360770
10:00 AMSSW 1464 5464700
10:00 AMSSW 1464 5464700
11:00 AMSW 1669 5569630
11:00 AMSW 1669 5569630
12:00 PMSW 1972 5772590
12:00 PMSW 1972 5772590
1:00 PMSSW 1775 5675510
1:00 PMSSW 1775 5675510
2:00 PMS 2078 5778490
2:00 PMS 2078 5778490
3:00 PMSSE 2181 6181510
3:00 PMSSE 2181 6181510
4:00 PMS 1579 6179530
4:00 PMS 1579 6179530
5:00 PMSSW 1680 6080510
5:00 PMSSW 1680 6080510
6:00 PMS 1982 6183480
6:00 PMS 1982 6183480
7:00 PMSSW 1481 6082490
7:00 PMSSW 1481 6082490

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