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11 March 2025 Observation History, [SFLU1] YAMPA PLATEAU RAWS, timezone: America/Denver

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Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.) RAW SHEF CODES
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:27 AMSW 1G 647 947210
1:27 AMSSE 8G 938 1332350
2:27 AMSSE 9G 1339 1233320
3:27 AMS 2G 1038 1138320
4:27 AMSSW 3G 738 1136330
5:27 AME 3G 534 1331410
6:27 AMSE 5G 634 1330420
7:27 AMSSW 3G 632 1329440
8:27 AMSW 1G 632 1532490
9:27 AMWSW 1G 545 1945350
10:27 AMN 2G 648 1948310
11:27 AMNNE 3G 853 2053270
12:27 PMSSW 3G 857 1957220
1:27 PMW 7G 1257 1957220
2:27 PMWNW 9G 1560 1560170
3:27 PMW 12G 2161 1361150
4:27 PMW 8G 2161 1161140
5:27 PMWSW 14G 2259 1159150
6:27 PMSW 20G 2957 757130
7:27 PMSSW 10G 2654 954160
Previous Day

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