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14 March 2025 Observation History, [ESIA] Karlsborg, timezone: Europe/Stockholm

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Previous Day
Time Wind
Sky Cond.
(100s ft)
Present Wx Temperature (ºF) Relative
Pressure Snow
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 6 hour altimeter
sea level
1 hr 3 hr 6 hr
12:20 AMNW 36.21 OVC046
281925 69% 29.588960
ESIA 132320Z AUTO 32003KT 290V010 9999 OVC046/// M02/M07 Q1002
12:50 AMNW 36.21 OVC047
281825 64% 29.588960
ESIA 132350Z AUTO 32003KT 300V010 9999 OVC047/// M02/M08 Q1002
1:20 AMVRB 26.21 OVC047
281828 64% 29.588960
ESIA 140020Z AUTO VRB02KT 9999 OVC047/// M02/M08 Q1002
1:50 AMN 36.21 OVC046
281925 69% 29.588960
ESIA 140050Z AUTO 35003KT 320V020 9999 OVC046/// M02/M07 Q1002
2:20 AMVRB 16.21 OVC046
271927 74% 29.588960
ESIA 140120Z AUTO VRB01KT 9999 OVC046/// M03/M07 Q1002
2:50 AMW 26.21 FEW048
251925 80% 29.588960
ESIA 140150Z AUTO 27002KT 9999 FEW048/// M04/M07 Q1002
3:20 AMWSW 36.21 NCD
251820 74% 29.6184920
ESIA 140220Z AUTO 25003KT 9999 NCD M04/M08 Q1003
3:50 AMWSW 26.21 NCD
211821 86% 29.6184920
ESIA 140250Z AUTO 24002KT 9999 NCD M06/M08 Q1003
4:20 AMW 36.21 NCD
191614 86% 29.6184920
ESIA 140320Z AUTO 26003KT 9999 NCD M07/M09 Q1003
4:50 AMVRB 16.21 NCD
181618 93% 29.6184920
ESIA 140350Z AUTO VRB01KT 9999 NCD M08/M09 Q1003
5:20 AMVRB 26.21 NCD
181618 93% 29.6184920
ESIA 140420Z AUTO VRB02KT 9999 NCD M08/M09 Q1003
5:50 AMVRB 16.21 NCD
191619 86% 29.6480220
ESIA 140450Z AUTO VRB01KT 9999 NCD M07/M09 Q1004
6:20 AMW 56.21 NCD
211815 86% 29.6480220
ESIA 140520Z AUTO 26004KT 9999 NCD M06/M08 Q1004
6:50 AMW 56.21 NCD
191813 93% 29.6775510
ESIA 140550Z AUTO 27004KT 9999 NCD M07/M08 Q1005
7:20 AMW 66.21 NCD
231916 86% 29.6775510
ESIA 140620Z AUTO 27005KT 9999 NCD M05/M07 Q1005
7:50 AMW 66.21 NCD
231816 79% 29.6775510
ESIA 140650Z AUTO 27005KT 9999 NCD M05/M08 Q1005
8:20 AMW 76.21 251917 80% 29.6775510
ESIA 140720Z 26006KT CAVOK M04/M07 Q1005
8:50 AMWSW 66.21 271920 74% 29.707080
ESIA 140750Z 25005KT CAVOK M03/M07 Q1006
9:20 AMWSW 56.21 271921 74% 29.707080
ESIA 140820Z 25004KT 220V290 CAVOK M03/M07 Q1006
9:50 AMW 76.21 282121 74% 29.736610
ESIA 140850Z 26006KT CAVOK M02/M06 Q1007
10:20 AMW 96.21 302122 69% 29.736610
ESIA 140920Z 27008KT CAVOK M01/M06 Q1007
10:50 AMW 96.21 322124 64% 29.736610
ESIA 140950Z 27008KT 240V300 CAVOK M00/M06 Q1007
11:20 AMW 106.21 321924 59% 29.736610
ESIA 141020Z 28009KT CAVOK 00/M07 Q1007
11:50 AMW 96.21 342126 60% 29.766140
ESIA 141050Z 28008KT CAVOK 01/M06 Q1008
12:20 PMWNW 86.21 NCD
342127 60% 29.766140
ESIA 141120Z AUTO 29007KT 270V340 9999 NCD 01/M06 Q1008
Previous Day

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Data Notes

  • For recent years, this page also optionally shows observations from the MADIS High Frequency METAR dataset. This dataset had a problem with temperatures detailed here.