Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

02 February 2025 Observation History, [ND042] Clyde ND-5, timezone: America/Chicago

Select Date: Time Order:

Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:05 AMW 13G 1926 251496
12:15 AMW 11G 1926 251596
12:30 AMWNW 14G 1726 241493
1:05 AMNW 19G 2424 22994
1:10 AMNW 20G 2823 21992
1:35 AMNW 19G 2522 20791
2:05 AMWNW 24G 3021 19590
2:10 AMWNW 24G 3021 18490
2:30 AMWNW 23G 2921 18588
2:40 AMWNW 20G 2919 17389
3:10 AMWNW 21G 2718 15287
3:35 AMWNW 22G 2917 14086
4:00 AMWNW 20G 3017 14-088
4:10 AMWNW 22G 2717 13-187
4:30 AMWNW 23G 2916 12-386
5:05 AMWNW 28G 3814 9-682
5:10 AMWNW 29G 3813 8-780
5:30 AMWNW 25G 3712 7-880
6:05 AMWNW 26G 3410 5-1280
6:15 AMWNW 25G 3610 4-1178
6:30 AMWNW 25G 369 3-1278
7:05 AMWNW 29G 388 2-1578
7:10 AMWNW 29G 387 2-1680
7:35 AMWNW 29G 426 1-1778
8:05 AMWNW 30G 405 0-1979
8:10 AMWNW 30G 405 -0-1978
8:30 AMWNW 26G 384 -1-1979
9:05 AMWNW 25G 355 -1-1877
9:15 AMWNW 25G 325 -1-1876
9:30 AMWNW 25G 355 -2-1874
10:05 AMWNW 27G 374 -2-2076
10:10 AMWNW 27G 373 -3-2176
10:30 AMWNW 28G 363 -3-2174
11:05 AMWNW 26G 332 -3-2176

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