Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

12 January 2025 Observation History, [MN145] U.S.63 - Le Roy - MP 0.5 , timezone: America/Chicago

Select Date: Time Order:

Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:00 AMS 13G 2029 241883
12:20 AMS 12G 1829 241982
12:40 AMSSW 13G 2129 241980
1:00 AMSSW 14G 2129 241881
1:20 AMSSW 11G 2029 241983
1:40 AMSSW 10G 1628 241983
2:00 AMSSW 9G 1428 242082
2:20 AMSSW 10G 1428 241983
2:40 AMSSW 11G 1628 241885
3:00 AMSSW 10G 1628 251988
3:20 AMSSW 10G 1628 251990
3:40 AMSSW 10G 1428 251890
4:00 AMSSW 9G 1528 261993
4:20 AMSSW 10G 1328 271995
4:40 AMSSW 10G 1428 271995
5:00 AMSW 8G 1429 282196
5:20 AMWNW 18G 2727 261593
5:40 AMWNW 17G 2626 241392
6:00 AMW 19G 2625 221189
6:20 AMWNW 18G 2725 211187
6:40 AMW 18G 3024 201087
7:00 AMW 22G 3222 19788
7:20 AMWNW 20G 3022 20791
7:40 AMWNW 20G 2922 20791
8:00 AMW 18G 2622 19790
8:20 AMWNW 19G 3221 19689
8:40 AMW 19G 2921 18689
9:00 AMWNW 19G 3021 18689
9:20 AMWNW 16G 2720 17687
9:40 AMW 20G 2720 17486
10:00 AMWNW 19G 3120 16484
10:20 AMWNW 19G 3119 15484
10:40 AMWNW 20G 3419 15384
11:00 AMWNW 17G 3219 15384
11:20 AMWNW 19G 3418 14383
11:40 AMWNW 17G 3119 15484
12:00 PMWNW 19G 3319 14382
12:20 PMWNW 20G 3219 15382
12:40 PMWNW 19G 3619 14381
1:00 PMWNW 20G 3118 13279
1:20 PMWNW 21G 3118 13179
1:40 PMWNW 21G 3218 12178
2:00 PMWNW 23G 3317 12-179
2:20 PMWNW 21G 3217 11-078
2:40 PMWNW 21G 3516 10-177
3:00 PMWNW 21G 3216 11-178
3:20 PMWNW 19G 3216 9-176
3:40 PMWNW 20G 3215 9-276
4:00 PMWNW 18G 3315 8-275
4:20 PMWNW 22G 3114 7-574

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