Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

12 January 2025 Observation History, [MN001] Twin Lakes I-35 Mile Post 1, timezone: America/Chicago

Select Date: Time Order:

Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:00 AMSSW 6G 1329 272391
12:10 AMSSW 6G 1129 272391
12:35 AMSSW 7G 1229 272291
1:20 AMSSW 6G 1329 292398
1:40 AMSW 6G 1229 292398
2:00 AMSW 7G 1530 292398
2:05 AMSW 4G 1330 292698
2:40 AMWSW 10G 1431 3122100
3:20 AMWNW 14G 2428 271798
3:25 AMWNW 13G 2328 271798
4:00 AMWNW 17G 2726 231388
4:20 AMWNW 14G 2525 211387
4:40 AMWNW 13G 2424 211287
5:00 AMWNW 17G 2523 19985
5:20 AMWNW 13G 2322 201089
5:40 AMWNW 13G 2422 201090
6:00 AMWNW 17G 2922 20794
6:20 AMWNW 18G 2722 19791
6:40 AMWNW 14G 2521 18889
7:00 AMWNW 16G 3120 18788
7:20 AMWNW 16G 3220 17687
7:40 AMWNW 20G 3119 16387
8:00 AMWNW 14G 2819 16587
8:20 AMWNW 18G 2918 15286
8:30 AMWNW 18G 2718 14286
9:00 AMWNW 16G 2918 15386
9:20 AMWNW 16G 2618 15385
9:40 AMWNW 20G 3518 14282
10:00 AMWNW 18G 3118 14381
10:20 AMWNW 12G 3219 15684
10:30 AMWNW 21G 3019 13279
11:00 AMNW 15G 2919 13578
11:15 AMWNW 23G 3118 12077
11:40 AMWNW 23G 3418 11-075
12:00 PMWNW 18G 3117 11276
12:20 PMWNW 21G 3117 11078
12:40 PMWNW 16G 2917 11275
1:00 PMWNW 18G 3016 9071
1:20 PMWNW 20G 3316 9-175
1:40 PMWNW 21G 3015 8-273
2:00 PMWNW 15G 3215 9074
2:20 PMWNW 16G 2815 9-076
2:40 PMWNW 20G 3115 8-374
3:00 PMWNW 22G 3214 7-473
3:20 PMWNW 24G 3313 7-675
3:40 PMWNW 19G 3013 7-578
4:00 PMWNW 17G 3012 7-577
4:20 PMWNW 17G 2812 7-579

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Data Notes