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11 March 2025 Observation History, [FBGG1] FORT BENNING, timezone: America/New_York

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Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.) RAW SHEF CODES
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:10 AMNW 1G 647 4547920
1:10 AMW 0G 343 4243970
2:10 AMSW 042 4242990
3:10 AMNNW 0G 243 43431000
4:10 AMNNW 0G 139 39391000
5:10 AMENE 0G 238 38381000
6:10 AMSE 0G 235 3535990
7:10 AMSW 1G 338 38381000
8:10 AMW 2G 639 39391000
9:10 AMWNW 1G 545 4145870.01
10:10 AMNW 2G 652 4352710
11:10 AMNW 2G 659 3959480
12:10 PMNNW 3G 766 3666330
1:10 PMW 5G 1070 3370250
2:10 PMWNW 3G 1473 3673260
3:10 PMWSW 5G 1475 3575230
4:10 PMW 6G 1676 3476220
5:10 PMWNW 6G 1677 3477210
6:10 PMW 5G 1876 3376210
7:10 PMW 2G 1374 3474230
8:10 PMWSW 3G 767 3667320
9:10 PMW 3G 766 3466300
10:10 PMW 3G 864 3464320
11:10 PMW 1G 661 3561370
Previous Day

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