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11 March 2025 Observation History, [QBHA3] BLACK HILLS RAWS, timezone: America/Phoenix

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Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.) RAW SHEF CODES
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:53 AMSE 2G 951 1551240
1:53 AMSSE 5G 1052 1352210
2:53 AME 1G 848 1548260
3:53 AMS 2G 346 1646290
4:53 AMSSW 3G 1048 1447250
5:53 AMSSE 6G 1045 1642310
6:53 AMSE 1G 1344 1544300
7:53 AMWNW 2G 651 1551240
8:53 AMS 0G 559 1659180
9:53 AMNW 5G 962 1562160
10:53 AMW 6G 966 1466130
11:53 AMWNW 6G 1269 1269110
12:53 PMSSE 8G 1471 97190
1:53 PMENE 3G 1773 117390
2:53 PMWSW 9G 1774 127490
3:53 PMNE 3G 1775 107580
4:53 PMW 10G 2874 67470
5:53 PMWSW 12G 2172 57270
6:53 PMNW 8G 1866 66690
7:53 PMWNW 3G 1564 864110
Previous Day

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