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17 January 2025 Observation History, [WKXA1] WEEKS BAY NERR, timezone: America/Chicago

Select Date: Time Order:

Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.) RAW SHEF CODES
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:15 AMM
12:30 AMM
12:45 AMCalm39 393999
1:00 AMM39
1:15 AMM39
1:30 AMM39
1:45 AMCalm39 3939100
2:00 AMM
2:15 AMM
2:30 AMM
2:45 AMCalm38 3838100
3:00 AMM37
3:15 AMM37
3:30 AMM37
3:45 AMCalm36 3636100
4:00 AMM
4:15 AMM
4:30 AMM
4:45 AMCalm36 3636100
5:00 AMM
5:15 AMM
5:30 AMM
5:45 AMCalm35 3535100
6:00 AMM
6:15 AMM
6:30 AMM
6:45 AMNW 035 3535100
7:00 AMM
7:15 AMM
7:30 AMM
7:45 AMCalm36 3636100
8:00 AMM
8:15 AMM
8:30 AMM
8:45 AMCalm45 4545100
9:00 AME 247 444791
9:15 AME 249 424977
9:30 AME 252 425269
9:45 AMESE 354 415462
10:00 AMESE 356 405655
10:15 AMSE 357 385749
10:30 AMESE 358 385847
10:45 AMSE 460 376042
11:00 AME 560 366041
11:15 AMESE 460 376042
11:30 AMSE 462 386241
11:45 AMSE 363 406343
12:00 PMSSE 564 436446
12:15 PMSSE 664 436446
12:30 PMSE 564 446448
12:45 PMSE 565 446547
1:00 PMM
1:15 PMM
1:30 PMM
1:45 PMSE 565 456547
2:00 PMM
2:15 PMM
2:30 PMM
2:45 PMSE 465 466551
3:00 PMM
3:15 PMM
3:30 PMM
3:45 PMSSE 364 486457
4:00 PMM
4:15 PMM
4:30 PMM
4:45 PMSSE 262 506264
5:00 PMM
5:15 PMM
5:30 PMM
5:45 PME 061 516172
6:00 PMM
6:15 PMM
6:30 PMM
6:45 PMCalm58 535881
7:00 PMCalm58 525881
7:15 PMESE 058 535883
7:30 PMESE 159 545984
7:45 PMESE 160 546083
8:00 PMM60
8:15 PMM61
8:30 PMM62
8:45 PMSSE 262 576283
9:00 PMM
9:15 PMM
9:30 PMM
9:45 PMS 363 576380

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Data Notes