Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

11 January 2025 Observation History, [AK073] Ballaine Road near Red Fox Drive, timezone: America/Anchorage

Select Date: Time Order:

Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:01 AMN 3G 618 171395
12:21 AMNNW 4G 617 151093
12:31 AMN 4G 618 171295
1:01 AMN 3G 621 201796
1:31 AMN 4G 822 211695
2:01 AMN 4G 622 211794
2:21 AMN 6G 723 211594
2:31 AMN 2G 623 212393
3:21 AMNNE 1G 425 232590
4:01 AMNNW 2G 528 232884
4:21 AMNNE 1G 430 233075
4:31 AMNNE 1G 431 233172
5:01 AMENE 1G 433 243369
5:21 AMN 2G 433 233368
5:41 AMENE 2G 435 233563
6:01 AMESE 2G 638 223852
6:11 AME 3G 638 223652
6:41 AME 3G 638 213651
7:01 AME 2G 639 213949
7:21 AMESE 2G 638 213851
8:01 AME 1G 738 213851
8:21 AMESE 2G 438 213849
8:31 AMESE 3G 638 203648
9:01 AMESE 1G 337 213752

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