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Network Location Tables

With this form, you can generate a station table for any of the networks listed below. If there is a particular format for a station table that you need, please let us know.

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RI_ASOS Network
IDStation NameLatitude1 Longitude1Elevation [m] Archive BeginsArchive EndsIEM Network Attributes
BID BLOCK ISLAND (AWOS) 41.17 -71.58 33 Jan 01, 1948 RI_ASOS METAR_RESET_MINUTE=56
OQU N. KINGSTON/QUONSET 41.5971 -71.4121 6 Dec 31, 1947 RI_ASOS METAR_RESET_MINUTE=50
PVD PROVIDENCE/GREEN 41.7219 -71.4325 19 Jan 01, 1948 RI_ASOS HASTAF=1
SFZ PAWTUCKET (AWOS) 41.9208 -71.4914 134 Mar 01, 1992 RI_ASOS METAR_RESET_MINUTE=56
UUU NEWPORT 41.5324 -71.2815 29 Jul 01, 1996 RI_ASOS METAR_RESET_MINUTE=53
WST Westerly 41.3497 -71.7989 24 Jul 31, 1999 RI_ASOS HAS1MIN=1


  1. Latitude and Longitude values are in decimal degrees.
  2. Elevation is expressed in meters above sea level.