Information Network Table Neighbors Data Calendar

Network Location Tables

With this form, you can generate a station table for any of the networks listed below. If there is a particular format for a station table that you need, please let us know.

Select Observing Network:
Select Format:

NWS Network
IDStation NameLatitude1 Longitude1Elevation [m] Archive BeginsArchive EndsIEM Network Attributes
AWN Air Force Weather Network 38.99 -104.9 2281.4663 NWS
BCQ Kansas City CRH 39.27 -94.69 304.83206 NWS
CRH Kansas City CRH 39.27 -94.69 304.83206 NWS
EHU Southern Region SRH 32.83 -97.29 194.01193 NWS
PAAQ National Tsunami Warning Center 61.55 -148.99 42.49044 NWS
PHEB Pacific Tsunami Warning Center 21.3 -157.81 138.9107 NWS
SMC SMCC - AFOS System Monitoring and Control Center 38.8487 -76.9244 84.89996 NWS
VUY Eastern Region HQ 40.63 -73.78 2.7045004 NWS
WNB National Data Buoy Center 30.33 -89.82 23.497145 NWS
WNM NWS Ocean Prediction Center 38.95 -77.45 83.50245 NWS
WNP Space Weather Center 38.95 -77.45 83.50245 NWS
WOH NWS HADS System 38.95 -77.45 83.50245 NWS
WRH Western Region WRH 40.766 -111.8877 1319.6411 NWS


  1. Latitude and Longitude values are in decimal degrees.
  2. Elevation is expressed in meters above sea level.