Network Location Tables

With this form, you can generate a station table for any of the networks listed below. If there is a particular format for a station table that you need, please let us know.

Select Observing Network:
Select Format:

MH__ASOS Network
IDStation NameLatitude1 Longitude1Elevation [m] Archive BeginsArchive EndsIEM Network Attributes
PJON Johnston Atoll 16.7326 -169.5284 4 Aug 11, 2002 Apr 12, 2003 MH__ASOS
PKMJ Majuro 7.0833 171.3833 1.8 Jan 07, 2000 MH__ASOS METAR_RESET_MINUTE=59
PKMR Majuro Atoll 7.065 171.272 7 Feb 21, 2001 MH__ASOS METAR_RESET_MINUTE=52
PKWA Kwajalein 8.7201 167.7317 3 Jan 07, 2000 MH__ASOS METAR_RESET_MINUTE=0


  1. Latitude and Longitude values are in decimal degrees.
  2. Elevation is expressed in meters above sea level.