Information Daily Climatology Network Table Neighbors Data Calendar

Neighboring Stations

The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly a 0.25 degree radius circle from the station location. Click on the site name for more information.

Distance [km]NetworkStation Name Archive StartArchive End
1.501VT_DCPClyde River AT Newport2010-12-07
2.078VTWACVEC Newport Substation VT US VTWAC2016-11-022018-11-16
2.425VT_DCPLake Memphremagog AT Newport2010-12-07
8.300VT_RWISDerby VT2011-11-03
12.226VT_DCPBarton River 3 E Coventry2010-12-07
14.444VTCLIMATEDERBY LINE1899-01-011905-05-31
15.374VT_DCPBlack River AT Coventry2010-12-07
17.939VTWACEW9302 Brownington VT US VTWAC2016-06-08
20.252VT_DCPMUD CREEK NEAR NORTH TROY VT2010-12-072011-10-05
21.997VT_DCPMissisquoi River 2 S North Troy2010-12-07
27.071VT_COOPIRASBURG 1 SW2010-12-082014-03-24
27.076VTCLIMATEIRASBURG 1SW2009-10-012014-03-24
30.968VTWACFW0036 Barton VT US VTWAC2016-12-072021-07-17
36.213VTCLIMATEEAST ALBANY2000-01-012009-10-29