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Neighboring Stations

The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly a 0.25 degree radius circle from the station location. Click on the site identifier for more information. This GeoJSON webservice provided the data for this page.

Distance [km]IDNetworkStation Name Archive StartArchive End
20.00UTWPOUT_RWISUS-191 at MP 369 Windy Point 2020-06-10
20.00USC00422173NCEI91DINOSAUR NM-QUARRY AREA1991-01-012020-12-31
20.00UT-UN-10UT_COCORAHSJensen 5.6 NNE2014-12-042015-12-09
20.00USC00422173NCDC81DINOSAUR QUARRY AREA1981-01-012010-12-31
20.00DINU1UT_COOPDinosaur Ntnl Mnumt Coop - Quarry Area2004-07-24
20.00UT2173UTCLIMATEDinosaur Ntnl Mnumt Coop - Quarry Area1915-12-01
22.00UTBASUT_RWISUS-191 at MP 377 Bassett Spring UT US UTAH DOT2020-06-10