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Neighboring Stations

The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly a 0.25 degree radius circle from the station location. Click on the site identifier for more information. This GeoJSON webservice provided the data for this page.

Distance [km]IDNetworkStation Name Archive StartArchive End
2.00TX-FN-11TX_COCORAHSLadonia 2.3 SE2023-09-06
3.00HNGT2TX_COOPHoney Grove2004-07-23
6.00TX6884TXCLIMATEPECAN GAP SCS 61940-04-011942-06-30
12.00TX-HNT-6TX_COCORAHSCommerce 6.1 NW2013-10-142021-01-21
12.00TX9859TXCLIMATEWOLFE CITY1944-02-012008-11-08
13.00TX-FN-4TX_COCORAHSGober 0.7 SE
18.00TX-HNT-4TX_COCORAHSCommerce 0.8 N
19.00TX4257TXCLIMATEHONEY GROVE1898-04-012023-09-22
20.00TX-HNT-2TX_COCORAHSCommerce 0.6 S2007-05-082012-01-09
23.00CMET2TX_COOPCommerce 4SW2004-07-23
23.00TX1921TXCLIMATECOMMERCE 4SW1948-08-012023-09-19