Information Daily Climatology Network Table Neighbors Data Calendar

Neighboring Stations

The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly a 0.25 degree radius circle from the station location. Click on the site name for more information.

Distance [km]NetworkStation Name Archive StartArchive End
1.227OK_DCPLEE CREEK 1 W Short 1W2010-12-07
4.118OK_DCPLittle Lee Creek Near Nicut2010-12-07
8.752OK_DCPLEE CREEK 4 S SHORT 4S2010-12-07
15.551AR_DCPNATURAL DAM2010-12-242015-02-28
15.551AR_COOPNATURAL DAM2010-12-312015-02-28
15.553ARCLIMATENATURAL DAM1963-01-012015-02-28
18.077AR_DCPLee Creek 4 NW Van Buren2010-12-07
25.697AR_DCPARKANSAS RIVER AT Fort Smith2010-12-07
25.904ARCLIMATEVAN BUREN2000-01-012012-12-28
25.904AR_DCPArkansas River AT Van Buren2010-12-07
27.383AR_RWISI-540 Fort Smith 2023-03-29
29.203ARCLIMATELEE CREEK GUARD STATION1948-01-011962-12-31
30.303ARCLIMATEFORT SMITH1882-06-011945-09-26
31.616ARCLIMATEODELL 2 N1939-06-012014-09-30
33.039AR_COOPCANE HILL 9S2011-11-082014-09-30