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Neighboring Stations

The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly a 0.25 degree radius circle from the station location. Click on the site name for more information.

Distance [km]NetworkStation Name Archive StartArchive End
0.000NYCLIMATEWILMINGTON 2W2015-01-012023-09-12
0.259NY_DCPWilmington - White Brook2023-05-29
2.411NY_DCPWilmington 3W - Lake Stevens2021-12-022021-12-02
6.155NYCLIMATEWHITEFACE MOUNTAIN1937-09-011946-08-31
14.447NY_COOPJay 2SW2021-09-282022-10-14
18.765NY_DCPEast Branch Ausable River AT Ausable Forks2010-12-07
19.625NCEI91LAKE PLACID 2 S1991-01-012020-12-31
24.829NY_DCPUpper Jay - Crown Mountain2012-01-312021-12-02
25.104NY_DCPNorth Elba - NY Dec2015-03-182021-12-02
25.684NY_DCPAusable River 2 E Ausable R Nr Ausable Fork2010-12-07
27.088NYCLIMATELAKE PLACID 2 S1897-08-01
27.091NY_COOPLAKE PLACID 2 S2004-07-13
27.091NCDC81LAKE PLACID 2 S1981-01-012010-12-31
27.509NY_DCPKeene 5WNW - Cascade Brook Snow2024-01-17
27.574NY_DCPNorth Elba - Cascade Mountain Trail2015-03-182021-12-02
27.670NY_DCPKeene 2N - Marcy Field2024-01-17
28.000NY_DCPKate Mountain / Loon Lake #22012-01-312021-12-02
32.079NY_DCPKenne 3NE - Spruce Brook2024-01-17
33.274NYCLIMATEKEENE VALLEY 1 W1897-12-011918-10-24