Information Network Table Neighbors Data Calendar

Neighboring Stations

The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly a 0.25 degree radius circle from the station location. Click on the site identifier for more information. This GeoJSON webservice provided the data for this page.

Distance [km]IDNetworkStation Name Archive StartArchive End
0.00MT5872MTCLIMATEMOSBY 4 ENE1959-08-01
0.00MOSM8MT_COOPMosby 4NE2004-07-052023-04-25
5.00MSBM8MT_DCPMusselshell River 1 WSW Mosby2010-12-07
13.00MFLM8MT_DCPMosby - Flatwillow Creek2012-09-25
16.00MBYM8MT_DCPMosby 11ESE2024-11-15
20.00MLUFMT_RWISLUFBOROUGH HILL MT-2002003-01-072012-03-10
20.00MTLUFMT_RWISLufborough Hill MT-200 MP 175.3 MT US MT DOT2013-07-17
21.00SDSM8MT_DCPSand Springs 8NW2023-10-04
21.00MOBM8MT_DCPMosby 11NW2023-10-04