Information Network Table Neighbors Data Calendar

Neighboring Stations

The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly a 0.25 degree radius circle from the station location. Click on the site name for more information.

Distance [km]NetworkStation Name Archive StartArchive End
15.097NV_DCPBeoware 8SSE - Red Owl Ranch2022-08-01
17.991NV_DCPHUMBOLDT R @ OLD U.S. 40 BR @2010-12-07
21.116NVCLIMATEEMIGRANT PASS HWY STN1944-06-012001-02-28
21.117NCDC81EMIGRANT PASS HWY STN1981-01-012010-12-31
23.986NV_RWISEmigrant Remote2011-11-042018-02-05
27.763NVCLIMATECRESCENT VALLEY2004-09-012008-05-20