Information Network Table Neighbors Data Calendar

Neighboring Stations

The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly a 0.25 degree radius circle from the station location. Click on the site name for more information.

Distance [km]NetworkStation Name Archive StartArchive End
1.135AZ_DCPWIKIEUP ALERT2010-12-07
2.342AZ_DCPWikieup 1SSW2017-10-05
6.888AZ_DCPBIG SANDY RIVER 33 SE Big Sandy R @ SR932010-12-07
6.939AZ_DCPWikieup 3SE - Big Sandy River2018-10-16
14.178AZ_DCPAUBREY PEAK2010-12-07
21.760AZ_RWISUS-93 @ Kaiser Bridge 2020-11-03
24.364AZCLIMATETROUT CREEK STORE1948-07-011951-03-31
24.457AZ_DCPWikieup - Aquarius Mountains2014-05-03
25.613AZ_DCPYucca - Granite Peak2012-08-29
28.381AZ_DCPWAGON BOW ALERT2010-12-07
29.009AZ_DCPBIG SANDY RIVER AT HUALAPAI2010-12-072011-09-05
29.144AZ_DCPBURRO CREEK 15 SE Burro Creek Nr Bagdad2010-12-07
32.373AZ_DCPBIG SANDY RIVER 17 S Wikieup2010-12-07
32.660AZ_DCPWikieup 17N - Trout Creek2019-10-25