Information Daily Climatology Network Table Neighbors Data Calendar

Neighboring Stations

The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly a 0.25 degree radius circle from the station location. Click on the site name for more information.

Distance [km]NetworkStation Name Archive StartArchive End
1.857NCDC81MANTEO AP1981-01-012010-12-31
1.857NCEI91MANTEO AP1991-01-012020-12-31
2.046NC_DCPManteo - Roanoke Marshes2019-05-30
7.275NC_DCPNags Head2022-12-06
7.351NC_DCPRapid Deploy - Roanoke Sound2016-10-052019-09-09
7.363NC_DCPManteo 3ESE - Roanoke Sound2021-04-29
7.409NC_DCPRapid Deploy B2015-10-032019-09-03
7.966NC_DCPNags Head - Roanoke Sound2022-12-06
12.857NC_DCPColington - Cut at Harbor2023-02-02
13.879NCCLIMATEKILL DEVIL HILLS N M1943-07-011951-09-30
14.749NC_DCPColington Harbor2022-12-06
17.379NC_DCPKill Devil Hills2022-12-06
18.745NCCLIMATEBODIE ISLAND1955-01-011976-10-31
20.780NC_DCPKitty Hawk - Pamlico Sound2019-06-06
21.842NCCLIMATEOREGON INLET1939-08-011943-02-28
23.331NC_DCPAT Oregon Inlet Marina2015-08-05
25.233NC_DCPRapid Deploy - Currituck Sound2016-10-05
25.233NC_DCPRapid Deploy A2012-10-272021-12-15
28.485NC_COOPDare Bomb Range (Fr2)2007-01-05
31.430NC_DCPStumpy Point2022-12-06