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Neighboring Stations

The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly a 0.25 degree radius circle from the station location. Click on the site identifier for more information. This GeoJSON webservice provided the data for this page.

Distance [km]IDNetworkStation Name Archive StartArchive End
1.00GAPM8MT_COOPJudith Gap2004-07-05
1.00MT4538MTCLIMATEJudith Gap1950-07-012022-12-31
1.00USC00244538NCEI91JUDITH GAP1991-01-012020-12-31
1.00MJUDMT_RWISJUDITH GAP US-1912004-11-112013-07-09
1.00MTJUDMT_RWISJudith Gap US-191 MP 18.6 2013-07-17
15.00MT-FG-3MT_COCORAHSBuffalo 1.7 E2010-05-04
16.00MT3389MTCLIMATEGARNEILL 9E1908-06-011915-09-30
17.00MT3947MTCLIMATEHARLOWTON 11NW2010-05-01
17.00USC00243947NCEI91HARLOWTON 11NW1991-01-012020-12-31
17.00HTNM8MT_COOPHarlowton 11Nw2010-05-01
22.00JDHM8MT_COOPJUDITH GAP 13 E2004-07-05
22.00USC00244545NCDC81JUDITH GAP 13 E1981-01-012010-12-31
22.00MT4545MTCLIMATEJUDITH GAP 13 E1964-10-012021-12-31
23.00USC00244545NCEI91JUDITH GAP 13 E1991-01-012020-12-31