Information Network Table Neighbors Data Calendar

Neighboring Stations

The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly a 0.25 degree radius circle from the station location. Click on the site identifier for more information. This GeoJSON webservice provided the data for this page.

Distance [km]IDNetworkStation Name Archive StartArchive End
17.00MS4838MSCLIMATELAKE COMO1902-08-011911-10-31
17.00MS0523MSCLIMATEBAY SPRINGS1912-04-012016-09-30
17.00BAYM6MS_COOPBAY SPRINGS2010-12-082016-09-23
18.00TLCM6MS_DCPLake Como - Tallahoma Creek Trib2017-02-282019-07-11
19.00MS8608MSCLIMATESYLVARENA 1 W1948-06-011951-09-30
20.00WALM6MS_DCPTallahala Creek 1 W Waldrup2010-12-08