Information Daily Climatology Network Table Neighbors Data Calendar

Neighboring Stations

The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly a 0.25 degree radius circle from the station location. Click on the site name for more information.

Distance [km]NetworkStation Name Archive StartArchive End
5.131MD_RWISMD-404 WB E of MD-312 2022-02-24
9.382MD_RWISMD-404 at Choptank River 2022-02-24
12.760MD_DCPGreensboro - Choptank River2015-11-20
13.305MDCLIMATEDENTON 2 E1893-03-011989-05-31
14.220MD_RWISMD 404 E prior to MD 16 2022-02-24
18.446MD_RWISMD 404 E - East of Newtown Road MD US MDDOT2022-02-24
19.662MD_RWISUS 301 at MD 305 2022-02-24
25.270MD_RWISUS 50 East - 2 Mi prior to MD-32 MD US MDDOT2022-02-24
26.843MD_RWISUS 50 WB at Bloomingdale Road 2022-02-24
28.669DE_DCPAdamsville - Greenwood Deos2012-05-312019-07-16
30.815MD_COOPSudlersville 1S2015-08-142018-05-21
30.829MDCLIMATESUDLERSVILLE 1S2015-08-012018-05-21
32.858MDCLIMATEMaryland - Northeastern Shore Climate Division1893-01-01