Information Daily Climatology Network Table Neighbors Data Calendar

Neighboring Stations

The following is a list of IEM tracked stations within roughly a 0.25 degree radius circle from the station location. Click on the site name for more information.

Distance [km]NetworkStation Name Archive StartArchive End
0.007NCDC81PANAMA CITY 5N1981-01-012010-12-31
0.007NCEI91PANAMA CITY 5N1991-01-012020-12-31
0.011FL_COOPPANAMA CITY 5N2004-08-112023-11-13
5.382FL_ASOSPANAMA CITY/BAY CO.1948-01-012010-06-02
5.402NCDC81PANAMA CITY BAY CO AP1981-01-012010-12-31
6.487FL_DCPLynn Haven - Deer Point Lake2016-08-23
11.498FLCLIMATEPANAMA CITY 21948-07-011971-12-31
11.498FLCLIMATEPANAMA CITY1913-07-011956-01-31
12.536FL_DCPGulf of Mexico AT Panama City Tide Gauge2011-06-08
12.616FL_DCPEast Bay at Watson Bayou Pier (in MHHW)2024-09-20
13.696FLCLIMATEBAY POINT1992-03-011994-10-31
15.532FL_DCPMARTIN BAYOU AT US 982010-12-072015-08-07
17.580FL_DCPEast Bay at Callaway Bayou (in MHHW)2024-09-20
17.778FL_DCPGulf of Mexico at St Andrews State Park Pier (in MHHW)2024-09-20
19.156NCEI91NW FLORIDA BEACHES INTL AP1991-01-012020-12-31
20.582NWSCLIPanama City
20.582FL_ASOSPanama City2010-05-23
20.923FL_DCPEconfina Creek AT Econfina Creek near Bennett2010-12-07
24.517FL_DCPBear Creek AT Bear Creek at US 2312014-04-25
24.621FL_DCPGulf of Mexico AT PANAMA CITY BEACH2013-11-15
24.893FL_ASOSPanama City Beach - Drone Runway2012-02-11
24.990FL_ASOSTYNDALL AFB1942-03-19
26.796FL_DCPEconfina Creek AT Econfina Creek at State Road 202014-04-29