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Most Recent Observation

This application displays the last observation received by the IEM from this site. The time stamp is in America/Argentina/Catamarca timezone.

Observation Local Time13 Mar 2025, 9:00 PM
Observation UTC Time2025-03-14T00:00:00Z
Air Temp [F]67.64
Maximum Air Temperature [F]73.4
Minimum Air Temperature [F]57.56
Dew Point [F]56.66
Wind DirectionSSW (200 degrees)
Wind Speed [knots]7.9697623
Raw Observation/ProductBUFR: 202503140000-SABM-ISMI10-None-RRH
Cloud Layer 1: BKN (3937 feet)
Cloud Layer 2: BKN (3937 feet)

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