Automated Data Plotter

This application dynamically generates many types of graphs. These graphs are derived from processing of various data sources done by the IEM. Please feel free to use these generated graphics in whatever way you wish. Reset App. The IEM Explorer application offers a simplified frontend to some of these autoplots.

First, select a chart type::

Second, select specific chart options::

Select Station:
Which Metric to Summarize
List All or Filter 1/Day
Set Threshold (where appropriate for metric above)
Limit Analysis to Given Local Timezone Hour (optional)
Start date (inclusive) for explicit date period: (optional)
End date (inclusive) for explicit date period: (optional)
Month Limiter
Image Pixel Size @100 DPI
Image Resolution (DPI) (50 to 500)
Select Output Format:

Plot Description:

Based on available hourly observation reports by METAR stations, this application presents the top 10 events for a given metric of your choice. Please note that this application often reveals bad data stored within the database. Please do contact us when you see suspicious reports and we'll clean up the database.

You can optionally generate this plot for an explicit period of days, the year is ignored with only the month and day portion used. If you set the start date to a date later than the end date, then the effect is to consider the date period crossing 1 January.

If you pick the same start and end date, you effectively get the extremes for that date.

The CSV/Excel download option for this autoplot will return 100 unfiltered events for further usage as you see fit.

Based on a sampling of recent timings for this application, plot generation time has averaged 8 seconds. Hold on for the plot is generating now!

View Data (as csv)   Download as Excel  
If you notice plotting issues with the image above, please do let us know by providing the URL address currently shown by your web browser.

IEM Daily Features using this plot

The IEM Daily Features found on this website often utilize plots found on this application. Here is a listing of features referencing this plot type.