IEM Daily Feature
Monday, 09 December 2024
Monday, 09 December 2024
Two Days of 60+
Posted: 09 Dec 2024 05:30 AM
For a week into December, this past weekend was remarkable with very nice temperatures and sunshine. Des Moines was able to reach at least 60°F on both Saturday and Sunday. The featured chart presents the day of year frequency that the given day participated in a streak of at least 60 degrees for high temperature. The earliest and latest such streaks for the calendar year are shown to the side. This past weekend does make the top 10 latest, so it was certainly something exceptional to do this time of year. Looking forward, the frequency of such events really does not pick up until March, so hopefully you were able to enjoy it while it lasted.
Good = 12
Bad = 0
Good = 12
Bad = 0