IEM Daily Feature
Monday, 22 July 2024

Low Mid July Dew Points

Posted: 22 Jul 2024 05:30 AM

For what should be the hottest week of the year on average, our recent stretch of very pleasant weather has been a remarkable mid-summer treat. One measure of how nice it has been is to plot the maximum dew point temperature for the past five days. The 2024 value of 66 degrees for Des Moines comes in as the third lowest value for the period on record for the site. It is also interesting to see that the past three years have been below a long term and simple average. This summer continues to shape up like last summer, temperature wise, but with much more precipitation this year vs last. This weather continues to look like a great positive for agricultural crops in the state. For corn, the lack of heat stress during pollination should be very positive for yield potential.

Good = 7
Bad = 0